
in my office i m using office xp. Problem is that i want to insert a xl file
in another xl file. but it is not working.

At my home computer i have office 2003 and it is working. I m unable to
solve this problem. Please help me with right method to insert file in
another file.

Rao Ratan Singh

Are you saying you want to copy a sheet from one workbook into another.
Just right click on the tab, select MOVE or COPY, Select the Sheet, Click OK,
Click on the section that says quot;TO BOOKquot; and choose the book and in the area
that reads quot;Before Sheetquot;, select where it is to go in the workbook. If the
workbook is protected, you may not be able to do this.

quot;Rao Ratan Singhquot; wrote:

gt; Dear,
gt; in my office i m using office xp. Problem is that i want to insert a xl file
gt; in another xl file. but it is not working.
gt; At my home computer i have office 2003 and it is working. I m unable to
gt; solve this problem. Please help me with right method to insert file in
gt; another file.
gt; Rao Ratan Singh

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