I have a problem with an Excel report, in that the page breaks are set so
that each worksheet prints logically. However when the file is attached and
sent out internally, the recipients need to go in and re-format each
worksheet so that it prints out correctly.
Ideally the recipients would receive the file, highlight all the worksheets
and print out the 30-odd pages, rather than 100-odd pages of nonsensical
rubbish that Excel somehow decides is the correct way the pagebreaks are
I think that the recipients have different printers (or different printer
drivers) than you.
If I were you, I'd be more conservative when applying those page breaks. Try to
make the pages fit on the worst printer you've seen. Margins will be larger
than you need. There'll be few lines per page as a result.
munozl wrote:
gt; I have a problem with an Excel report, in that the page breaks are set so
gt; that each worksheet prints logically. However when the file is attached and
gt; sent out internally, the recipients need to go in and re-format each
gt; worksheet so that it prints out correctly.
gt; Ideally the recipients would receive the file, highlight all the worksheets
gt; and print out the 30-odd pages, rather than 100-odd pages of nonsensical
gt; rubbish that Excel somehow decides is the correct way the pagebreaks are
gt; positioned.
gt; Thanks.
Dave Peterson
- May 16 Wed 2007 20:37
Page break formatting changes when sent via e-mail