1/06 2/06 3/06 4/06
1 ford
2 chey
3 dodgeOK, on another sheet I have 20,900 lines of items I have sold to these
I have the cust name in column A, the date as listed in row 2 is in column
E, and the number of pcs sold is in column C. I want to get the total amount
sold to each cust during each month. Any help would be great.Hi
One way, in cell B2 of Sheet2 enter
Copy across for the required number of columns.
Copy the set of formulae down for the range of Values in column A.
Better still would be to use a Pivot table on your data on Sheet1.
For help on setting up Pivot tables take a look at
Roger Govierquot;Cube Farmerquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;A B C D E F
gt; 1/06 2/06 3/06 4/06
gt; 1 ford
gt; 2 chey
gt; 3 dodge
gt; OK, on another sheet I have 20,900 lines of items I have sold to these
gt; customers.
gt; I have the cust name in column A, the date as listed in row 2 is in
gt; column
gt; E, and the number of pcs sold is in column C. I want to get the total
gt; amount
gt; sold to each cust during each month. Any help would be great.
Thanks for the attempt. I couldn't get it to work though( i'm sure it's my
That is what it ended up as when MS put in its fix. I changed some of the
row and column #s to fit actual. On your formula the last part didn't call
out another sheet. Is this correct? Also on the middle section it called out
only quot;Sheetquot; without a #.
Any further options?
quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; Hi
gt; One way, in cell B2 of Sheet2 enter
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$20900)=A2),--(Sheet!$E$2:$E$20900=B$1),$C2:$C20900)
gt; Copy across for the required number of columns.
gt; Copy the set of formulae down for the range of Values in column A.
gt; Better still would be to use a Pivot table on your data on Sheet1.
gt; For help on setting up Pivot tables take a look at
gt; peltiertech.com/Excel/Pivots/pivotstart.htm
gt; and
gt; www.contextures.com/xlPivot02.html
gt; --
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; quot;Cube Farmerquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;A B C D E F
gt; gt; 1/06 2/06 3/06 4/06
gt; gt; 1 ford
gt; gt; 2 chey
gt; gt; 3 dodge
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; OK, on another sheet I have 20,900 lines of items I have sold to these
gt; gt; customers.
gt; gt; I have the cust name in column A, the date as listed in row 2 is in
gt; gt; column
gt; gt; E, and the number of pcs sold is in column C. I want to get the total
gt; gt; amount
gt; gt; sold to each cust during each month. Any help would be great.
gt; gt;
Try this, DON'T let excel try to change it
will lookup A5 in the A range where the G range is equal to B4 then sum
those conditions in E
Peo Sjoblom
Portland, Oregon
quot;Cube Farmerquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Roger,
gt; Thanks for the attempt. I couldn't get it to work though( i'm sure it's my
gt; doing)
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet3!$A$2:$A$20903)=A5)--(Sheet3!$G$2:$G$20903=$B$4)*(Sheet3!$E2:$E20903)
gt; That is what it ended up as when MS put in its fix. I changed some of the
gt; row and column #s to fit actual. On your formula the last part didn't call
gt; out another sheet. Is this correct? Also on the middle section it called
gt; out
gt; only quot;Sheetquot; without a #.
gt; Any further options?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Mike
gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Hi
gt;gt; One way, in cell B2 of Sheet2 enter
gt;gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$20900)=A2),--(Sheet!$E$2:$E$20900=B$1),$C2:$C20900)
gt;gt; Copy across for the required number of columns.
gt;gt; Copy the set of formulae down for the range of Values in column A.
gt;gt; Better still would be to use a Pivot table on your data on Sheet1.
gt;gt; For help on setting up Pivot tables take a look at
gt;gt; peltiertech.com/Excel/Pivots/pivotstart.htm
gt;gt; and
gt;gt; www.contextures.com/xlPivot02.html
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; Regards
gt;gt; Roger Govier
gt;gt; quot;Cube Farmerquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt;A B C D E F
gt;gt; gt; 1/06 2/06 3/06 4/06
gt;gt; gt; 1 ford
gt;gt; gt; 2 chey
gt;gt; gt; 3 dodge
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; OK, on another sheet I have 20,900 lines of items I have sold to these
gt;gt; gt; customers.
gt;gt; gt; I have the cust name in column A, the date as listed in row 2 is in
gt;gt; gt; column
gt;gt; gt; E, and the number of pcs sold is in column C. I want to get the total
gt;gt; gt; amount
gt;gt; gt; sold to each cust during each month. Any help would be great.
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt;Thanks Peo,
That did the trick!!
Mikequot;Peo Sjoblomquot; wrote:
gt; Try this, DON'T let excel try to change it
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet3!$A$2:$A$20903=A5),--(Sheet3!$G$2:$G$20903=$B$4),Sheet3!$E2:$E20903)
gt; will lookup A5 in the A range where the G range is equal to B4 then sum
gt; those conditions in E
gt; --
gt; Regards,
gt; Peo Sjoblom
gt; Portland, Oregon
gt; quot;Cube Farmerquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Roger,
gt; gt; Thanks for the attempt. I couldn't get it to work though( i'm sure it's my
gt; gt; doing)
gt; gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet3!$A$2:$A$20903)=A5)--(Sheet3!$G$2:$G$20903=$B$4)*(Sheet3!$E2:$E20903)
gt; gt; That is what it ended up as when MS put in its fix. I changed some of the
gt; gt; row and column #s to fit actual. On your formula the last part didn't call
gt; gt; out another sheet. Is this correct? Also on the middle section it called
gt; gt; out
gt; gt; only quot;Sheetquot; without a #.
gt; gt; Any further options?
gt; gt; Thanks,
gt; gt; Mike
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt; Hi
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; One way, in cell B2 of Sheet2 enter
gt; gt;gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$20900)=A2),--(Sheet!$E$2:$E$20900=B$1),$C2:$C20900)
gt; gt;gt; Copy across for the required number of columns.
gt; gt;gt; Copy the set of formulae down for the range of Values in column A.
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; Better still would be to use a Pivot table on your data on Sheet1.
gt; gt;gt; For help on setting up Pivot tables take a look at
gt; gt;gt; peltiertech.com/Excel/Pivots/pivotstart.htm
gt; gt;gt; and
gt; gt;gt; www.contextures.com/xlPivot02.html
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; --
gt; gt;gt; Regards
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; Roger Govier
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; quot;Cube Farmerquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; gt;gt; ...
gt; gt;gt; gt;A B C D E F
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1/06 2/06 3/06 4/06
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1 ford
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2 chey
gt; gt;gt; gt; 3 dodge
gt; gt;gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt; gt; OK, on another sheet I have 20,900 lines of items I have sold to these
gt; gt;gt; gt; customers.
gt; gt;gt; gt; I have the cust name in column A, the date as listed in row 2 is in
gt; gt;gt; gt; column
gt; gt;gt; gt; E, and the number of pcs sold is in column C. I want to get the total
gt; gt;gt; gt; amount
gt; gt;gt; gt; sold to each cust during each month. Any help would be great.
gt; gt;gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;
- May 16 Wed 2007 20:37
SUNIF with 2 criteria cells