I have 'exported' my Yahoo address book. There does not appear to be a
way to just export a portion of the address book. It gave me a CSV file
which I am looking at with Excel 2003.
Each row represents the data for each person in my address book. One of
the columns, G, contains the name(s) of each address list that each
person is in within the book. As a result column G may have anything
from 1 to about 6 entries each seperated by a comma.
One of the address lists I have in the book is called 'trips' . I want
to be able delete any of those rows that do not contain the word
'trips' in column G.
Thanks for any and all help.something like
for each c in range(quot;g2:gquot;amp;x)
if c
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
quot;mikequot; gt; wrote in message oups.com...
gt;I have 'exported' my Yahoo address book. There does not appear to be a
gt; way to just export a portion of the address book. It gave me a CSV file
gt; which I am looking at with Excel 2003.
gt; Each row represents the data for each person in my address book. One of
gt; the columns, G, contains the name(s) of each address list that each
gt; person is in within the book. As a result column G may have anything
gt; from 1 to about 6 entries each seperated by a comma.
gt; One of the address lists I have in the book is called 'trips' . I want
gt; to be able delete any of those rows that do not contain the word
gt; 'trips' in column G.
gt; Thanks for any and all help.
just use datagt;filtergt;autofilter
Sub deleterowstrip()
x = Cells(Rows.Count, quot;gquot;).End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In Range(quot;g7:gquot; amp; x)
If c lt;gt; quot;tripsquot; Then c.EntireRow.Delete
End Sub
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
quot;mikequot; gt; wrote in message oups.com...
gt;I have 'exported' my Yahoo address book. There does not appear to be a
gt; way to just export a portion of the address book. It gave me a CSV file
gt; which I am looking at with Excel 2003.
gt; Each row represents the data for each person in my address book. One of
gt; the columns, G, contains the name(s) of each address list that each
gt; person is in within the book. As a result column G may have anything
gt; from 1 to about 6 entries each seperated by a comma.
gt; One of the address lists I have in the book is called 'trips' . I want
gt; to be able delete any of those rows that do not contain the word
gt; 'trips' in column G.
gt; Thanks for any and all help.
Hi Mike
There are many ways to do this
Manual you can use a custom AutoFilter on the column
quot;Does not containquot; trips
And then delete the visible rows
Or with code see
Regards Ron de Bruin
www.rondebruin.nlquot;mikequot; gt; wrote in message oups.com...
gt;I have 'exported' my Yahoo address book. There does not appear to be a
gt; way to just export a portion of the address book. It gave me a CSV file
gt; which I am looking at with Excel 2003.
gt; Each row represents the data for each person in my address book. One of
gt; the columns, G, contains the name(s) of each address list that each
gt; person is in within the book. As a result column G may have anything
gt; from 1 to about 6 entries each seperated by a comma.
gt; One of the address lists I have in the book is called 'trips' . I want
gt; to be able delete any of those rows that do not contain the word
gt; 'trips' in column G.
gt; Thanks for any and all help.
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:39
How to Delete Rows