I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display time
and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured by
digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's a
temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000 rows
of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a maximum
of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up to
17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is where
I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is used to
display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data showing bean
(Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is regulated
to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure gauge is what
I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe the effects of the
gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm recording range anywhere from
1 - 12 and are entered into column E at whatever point in time the
adjustment was made.
I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y axis,
and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
Can you not plot the Gas pressure on the secondary Y axis. Double click
the data series based on column E and on the Axis tab of the Format
dialog pick Secondary axis.
DavidJ726 wrote:
gt; I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display time
gt; and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured by
gt; digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's a
gt; temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000 rows
gt; of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt; The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a maximum
gt; of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt; Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up to
gt; 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is where
gt; I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is used to
gt; display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data showing bean
gt; (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt; During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is regulated
gt; to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure gauge is what
gt; I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe the effects of the
gt; gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm recording range anywhere from
gt; 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at whatever point in time the
gt; adjustment was made.
gt; I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y axis,
gt; and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt; Thanks,
gt; David
Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
As I understand your problem, you want to plot temp (150 - 475) and pressure
(1 - 12) against time. The pressure readings are showing up very small
because the temperature range is much higher.
You can solve this by using a secondary axis for the pressure readings. To
create the secondary axis for pressure readings, select the pressure series
by right clicking it, Click the Selected Object gt; Select Axis gt; Secondary
Axis Option Button.
You can format the secondary axis by adding title and setting range to fit
your needs.
...Kellyquot;DavidJ726quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display
gt; time and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured
gt; by digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's a
gt; temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000
gt; rows of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt; The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a maximum
gt; of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt; Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up
gt; to 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is
gt; where I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is
gt; used to display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data
gt; showing bean (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt; During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is regulated
gt; to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure gauge is
gt; what I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe the effects
gt; of the gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm recording range
gt; anywhere from 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at whatever point in
gt; time the adjustment was made.
gt; I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y
gt; axis, and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt; Thanks,
gt; David
Thanks Andy,
That doesn't appear to work. If I set the scale to match that of the
primary axis then the data doesn't show up at all. if I use a smaller scale
such as 1-12, then the data displayed is irrelevant. What I really need is
the ability to show an occasional label on the Series C (bean temp)
indicating gas pressure at that time amp; temp point. The secondary axis
doesn't quot;trackquot; with the series C.
Davidquot;Andy Popequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi,
gt; Can you not plot the Gas pressure on the secondary Y axis. Double click
gt; the data series based on column E and on the Axis tab of the Format dialog
gt; pick Secondary axis.
gt; Cheers
gt; Andy
gt; DavidJ726 wrote:
gt;gt; I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display
gt;gt; time and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured
gt;gt; by digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's
gt;gt; a temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000
gt;gt; rows of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt;gt; The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a
gt;gt; maximum of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt;gt; Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up
gt;gt; to 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is
gt;gt; where I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is
gt;gt; used to display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data
gt;gt; showing bean (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt;gt; During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is
gt;gt; regulated to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure
gt;gt; gauge is what I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe the
gt;gt; effects of the gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm recording
gt;gt; range anywhere from 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at whatever
gt;gt; point in time the adjustment was made.
gt;gt; I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y
gt;gt; axis, and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt;gt; Thanks,
gt;gt; David
gt; --
gt; Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
gt; www.andypope.info
Hi Kelly,
You and Andy (whom I just responded to) are both saying the same thing. I
guess I need to go back and try again. But when I plotted the series using
the secondary axis, and tried various ranges, the data was either at the
bottom of the chart, or when using a smaller scale, the data was accurate
just not displayed in a meaningful location. What I really need is for the
pressure reading to be displayed on the line at the corresponding time and
temp using the primary axis. Does that make sense? ( I wish we could post
snapshots he-))
quot;Kelly O'Dayquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; David:
gt; As I understand your problem, you want to plot temp (150 - 475) and
gt; pressure (1 - 12) against time. The pressure readings are showing up very
gt; small because the temperature range is much higher.
gt; You can solve this by using a secondary axis for the pressure readings. To
gt; create the secondary axis for pressure readings, select the pressure
gt; series by right clicking it, Click the Selected Object gt; Select Axis gt;
gt; Secondary Axis Option Button.
gt; You can format the secondary axis by adding title and setting range to fit
gt; your needs.
gt; ..Kelly
gt; quot;DavidJ726quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt;gt; I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display
gt;gt; time and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured
gt;gt; by digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's
gt;gt; a temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000
gt;gt; rows of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt;gt; The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a
gt;gt; maximum of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt;gt; Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up
gt;gt; to 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is
gt;gt; where I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is
gt;gt; used to display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data
gt;gt; showing bean (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt;gt; During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is
gt;gt; regulated to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure
gt;gt; gauge is what I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe the
gt;gt; effects of the gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm recording
gt;gt; range anywhere from 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at whatever
gt;gt; point in time the adjustment was made.
gt;gt; I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y
gt;gt; axis, and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt;gt; Thanks,
gt;gt; David
You can use a free addin to link the 1-12 scores to the data labels on
the Bean Temp series.
Try Rob Bovey's xy chart labeler.
Obviously this will display a value for every time point so you may need
to use another column with a formula that only displays interesting
data, for example when ever the pressure changes (assuming it doesn't
change with every data point).
DavidJ726 wrote:
gt; Thanks Andy,
gt; That doesn't appear to work. If I set the scale to match that of the
gt; primary axis then the data doesn't show up at all. if I use a smaller scale
gt; such as 1-12, then the data displayed is irrelevant. What I really need is
gt; the ability to show an occasional label on the Series C (bean temp)
gt; indicating gas pressure at that time amp; temp point. The secondary axis
gt; doesn't quot;trackquot; with the series C.
gt; Thanks,
gt; David
gt; quot;Andy Popequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt;gt;Can you not plot the Gas pressure on the secondary Y axis. Double click
gt;gt;the data series based on column E and on the Axis tab of the Format dialog
gt;gt;pick Secondary axis.
gt;gt;DavidJ726 wrote:
gt;gt;gt;I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display
gt;gt;gt;time and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured
gt;gt;gt;by digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's
gt;gt;gt;a temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000
gt;gt;gt;rows of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt;gt;gt;The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a
gt;gt;gt;maximum of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt;gt;gt;Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up
gt;gt;gt;to 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is
gt;gt;gt;where I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is
gt;gt;gt;used to display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data
gt;gt;gt;showing bean (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt;gt;gt;During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is
gt;gt;gt;regulated to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure
gt;gt;gt;gauge is what I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe the
gt;gt;gt;effects of the gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm recording
gt;gt;gt;range anywhere from 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at whatever
gt;gt;gt;point in time the adjustment was made.
gt;gt;gt;I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y
gt;gt;gt;axis, and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt;gt;Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
That did it! Thanks :-)
You're correct in assuming that the gas pressure doesn't change all that
often, perhaps a dozen time in a roast (and yes, the data is in a separate
I can now return to my normally unscheduled madness.
Thanks again,
Davidquot;Andy Popequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; You can use a free addin to link the 1-12 scores to the data labels on the
gt; Bean Temp series.
gt; Try Rob Bovey's xy chart labeler.
gt; www.appspro.com/Utilities/ChartLabeler.htm
gt; Obviously this will display a value for every time point so you may need
gt; to use another column with a formula that only displays interesting data,
gt; for example when ever the pressure changes (assuming it doesn't change
gt; with every data point).
gt; Cheers
gt; Andy
gt; DavidJ726 wrote:
gt;gt; Thanks Andy,
gt;gt; That doesn't appear to work. If I set the scale to match that of the
gt;gt; primary axis then the data doesn't show up at all. if I use a smaller
gt;gt; scale such as 1-12, then the data displayed is irrelevant. What I really
gt;gt; need is the ability to show an occasional label on the Series C (bean
gt;gt; temp) indicating gas pressure at that time amp; temp point. The secondary
gt;gt; axis doesn't quot;trackquot; with the series C.
gt;gt; Thanks,
gt;gt; David
gt;gt; quot;Andy Popequot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt;gt;Can you not plot the Gas pressure on the secondary Y axis. Double click
gt;gt;gt;the data series based on column E and on the Axis tab of the Format
gt;gt;gt;dialog pick Secondary axis.
gt;gt;gt;DavidJ726 wrote:
gt;gt;gt;gt;I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display
gt;gt;gt;gt;time and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured
gt;gt;gt;gt;by digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's
gt;gt;gt;gt;a temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000
gt;gt;gt;gt;rows of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt;gt;gt;gt;The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a
gt;gt;gt;gt;maximum of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt;gt;gt;gt;Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up
gt;gt;gt;gt;to 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is
gt;gt;gt;gt;where I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is
gt;gt;gt;gt;used to display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data
gt;gt;gt;gt;showing bean (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt;gt;gt;gt;During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is
gt;gt;gt;gt;regulated to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure
gt;gt;gt;gt;gauge is what I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe
gt;gt;gt;gt;the effects of the gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm
gt;gt;gt;gt;recording range anywhere from 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at
gt;gt;gt;gt;whatever point in time the adjustment was made.
gt;gt;gt;gt;I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y
gt;gt;gt;gt;axis, and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt;gt;gt;Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
gt; --
gt; Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
gt; www.andypope.info
Why don't you send me your file and I'll see what I can do.
...Kellyquot;DavidJ726quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi Kelly,
gt; You and Andy (whom I just responded to) are both saying the same thing. I
gt; guess I need to go back and try again. But when I plotted the series
gt; using the secondary axis, and tried various ranges, the data was either at
gt; the bottom of the chart, or when using a smaller scale, the data was
gt; accurate just not displayed in a meaningful location. What I really need
gt; is for the pressure reading to be displayed on the line at the
gt; corresponding time and temp using the primary axis. Does that make sense?
gt; ( I wish we could post snapshots he-))
gt; Thanks,
gt; David...
gt; quot;Kelly O'Dayquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt;gt; David:
gt;gt; As I understand your problem, you want to plot temp (150 - 475) and
gt;gt; pressure (1 - 12) against time. The pressure readings are showing up very
gt;gt; small because the temperature range is much higher.
gt;gt; You can solve this by using a secondary axis for the pressure readings.
gt;gt; To create the secondary axis for pressure readings, select the pressure
gt;gt; series by right clicking it, Click the Selected Object gt; Select Axis gt;
gt;gt; Secondary Axis Option Button.
gt;gt; You can format the secondary axis by adding title and setting range to
gt;gt; fit your needs.
gt;gt; ..Kelly
gt;gt; quot;DavidJ726quot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt;gt; I'm using a line chart that has 5 columns and 100's of rows to display
gt;gt;gt; time and temperature for a coffee roaster. Time amp; temp data is measured
gt;gt;gt; by digital probes (etc.), which is imported into a spreadsheet. There's
gt;gt;gt; a temperature reading for every second so I can end up with up to a 1000
gt;gt;gt; rows of data for a 16-17 minute roast.
gt;gt;gt; The Y axis is Temperature. The minimum value is 150 degrees with a
gt;gt;gt; maximum of 475 and has a 25 degree scale.
gt;gt;gt; Column A is where I enter a value of 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, etc... up
gt;gt;gt; to 17 and this is used for the X axis labels. Column B (Series A) is
gt;gt;gt; where I'll enter a dozen or more temperatures along the time line and is
gt;gt;gt; used to display a desired profile. Columns C amp; D is the imported data
gt;gt;gt; showing bean (Series B) and ambient (Series C) temperatures in the drum.
gt;gt;gt; During the roast, temperatures are monitored and gas pressure is
gt;gt;gt; regulated to increase or decrease the heat. The reading on the pressure
gt;gt;gt; gauge is what I need to show along the Series B line so I can observe
gt;gt;gt; the effects of the gas adjustments to the roast. The values I'm
gt;gt;gt; recording range anywhere from 1 - 12 and are entered into column E at
gt;gt;gt; whatever point in time the adjustment was made.
gt;gt;gt; I can't plot it as a series because the values are to small for the Y
gt;gt;gt; axis, and text boxes would be to labor intensive. Is this possible?
gt;gt;gt; Thanks,
gt;gt;gt; David
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:39
How to overlay(?) additional data on a series