
How do I import data from one excel book to another? One book has much data
which I want to import some of, to another book. This would constitute
adding a couple of rows off of one book, then entering the total into another
book where that information is needed. I can't seem to be able to find this
info in the help menu, or, I am looking in the wrong place.

Highlight the rows in the workbook with the data.
Copy the rows...
Go to the new workbook.
Select the first cell of the area in the worksheet where you want the data
to be copied to and...

Gary Brown

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Post Helpfull to you?''.quot;Hopelessquot; wrote:

gt; How do I import data from one excel book to another? One book has much data
gt; which I want to import some of, to another book. This would constitute
gt; adding a couple of rows off of one book, then entering the total into another
gt; book where that information is needed. I can't seem to be able to find this
gt; info in the help menu, or, I am looking in the wrong place.

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