I'm trying to find a formula that adds to the pricing in certain
If B2=1 and C2gt;12 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
If B2=2 and C2gt;10 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
If B2=3 and C2gt;8 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
etc. through 12 possibilities for B2
pdgood's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31623
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=534656See the following formula, where I have used multiple IFs. May this formula
give you a little hint about how to use multiple IFs with AND command.
=IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())=DAY(D4),MONTH(TODAY())=MONTH( D4)),quot;Happy Birthdayquot;,quot; quot;)
The above formula check the date store in column D4 with the system date AND
IF DAY and MONTH is equal then display quot;Happy Birthdayquot; otherwise blankquot;
Let us know, if the information is useful to you.quot;pdgoodquot; wrote:
gt; I'm trying to find a formula that adds to the pricing in certain
gt; situations:
gt; If B2=1 and C2gt;12 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; If B2=2 and C2gt;10 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; If B2=3 and C2gt;8 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; etc. through 12 possibilities for B2
gt; Thanks.
gt; --
gt; pdgood
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; pdgood's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31623
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=534656
Sorry, that one is over my head. Here is what I have been able to figure
The problem is how do you string several of these together. I'm
guessing that there is an IF(OR command but I haven't been able to find
the right location for it.--
pdgood's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31623
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=534656Something like this is probably what your looking for
=IF(AND(B2=1,C2gt;12),(0.1*A2),IF(AND(B2=2,C2gt;10),(0 .1*A2),...
quot;pdgoodquot; wrote:
gt; I'm trying to find a formula that adds to the pricing in certain
gt; situations:
gt; If B2=1 and C2gt;12 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; If B2=2 and C2gt;10 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; If B2=3 and C2gt;8 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; etc. through 12 possibilities for B2
gt; Thanks.
gt; --
gt; pdgood
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; pdgood's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31623
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=534656
Thanks, that works except....when I paste it into the formula window I
am exceeding some sort of limit.
I am pasting:
=IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=1,Sheet1!C2gt;12),(Sheet1!A2*0.1), IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=2,Sheet1!C2gt;10),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),I F(AND(Sheet1!B2=3,Sheet1!C2gt;8),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF( AND(Sheet1!B2=4,Sheet1!C2gt;7),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AN D(Sheet1!B2=5,Sheet1!C2gt;6),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND( Sheet1!B2=6,Sheet1!C2gt;5),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND(Sh eet1!B2=7,Sheet1!C2gt;4),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND(Shee t1!B2=8,Sheet1!C2gt;3),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND(Sheet1 !B2=9,Sheet1!C2gt;3),(Sheet1!A2*0.2),IF(AND(Sheet1!B 2=10,Sheet1!C2gt;2),(Sheet1!A2*0.3),IF(AND(Sheet1!B2 =11,Sheet1!C2gt;2),(Sheet1!A2*0.4),IF(AND(Sheet1!B2= 12,Sheet1!C2gt;1),(Sheet1!A2*0.5),0))
but it only shows:
=IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=1,Sheet1!C2gt;12),(Sheet1!A2*0.1), IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=2,Sheet1!C2gt;10),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),I F(AND(Sheet1!B2=3,Sheet1!C2gt;8),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF( AND(Sheet1!B2=4,Sheet1!C2gt;7),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AN D(Sheet1!B2=5,Sheet1!C2gt;6),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND( Sheet
With line breaks so that it is easier to read and understand, what I'm
trying to accomplish is:
IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=12,Sheet1!C2gt;1),(Sheet1!A2*0.5),0 ))
Is there a more elegant way to do this?--
pdgood's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31623
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=534656Since you are always adding .10*A2, you can use the following
=.10*A2*(IF(AND(B2=1,C2gt;12),1,0) IF(AND(B2=2,C2gt;10 ),1,0) ... ...)
Also, if the pattern of your example continues (i.e. B2 starting from 1
and increasing by 1, C2 starting from 12 and decreasing by 2), you
could possible compact it all in a single formula:
Kostis Vezeridesquot;pdgoodquot; gt; wrote in
message news
gt; I'm trying to find a formula that adds to the pricing in certain
gt; situations:
gt; If B2=1 and C2gt;12 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; If B2=2 and C2gt;10 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; If B2=3 and C2gt;8 then I want to add .10*A2 If not 0
gt; etc. through 12 possibilities for B2
You could use
with the 12,8,10, etc being the range of values with which to compare C2.
If the numbers do go on in the sequence shown, then you could merely use
You may wish to use Data Validation to ensure that your B2 inputs fall
within the 12 possibilities you are expecting.
David Biddulph
quot;pdgoodquot; gt; wrote in
message news
gt; Thanks, that works except....when I paste it into the formula window I
gt; am exceeding some sort of limit.
gt; I am pasting:
gt; =IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=1,Sheet1!C2gt;12),(Sheet1!A2*0.1), IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=2,Sheet1!C2gt;10),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),I F(AND(Sheet1!B2=3,Sheet1!C2gt;8),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF( AND(Sheet1!B2=4,Sheet1!C2gt;7),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AN D(Sheet1!B2=5,Sheet1!C2gt;6),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND( Sheet1!B2=6,Sheet1!C2gt;5),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND(Sh eet1!B2=7,Sheet1!C2gt;4),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND(Shee t1!B2=8,Sheet1!C2gt;3),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND(Sheet1 !B2=9,Sheet1!C2gt;3),(Sheet1!A2*0.2),IF(AND(Sheet1!B 2=10,Sheet1!C2gt;2),(Sheet1!A2*0.3),IF(AND(Sheet1!B2 =11,Sheet1!C2gt;2),(Sheet1!A2*0.4),IF(AND(Sheet1!B2= 12,Sheet1!C2gt;1),(Sheet1!A2*0.5),0))
gt; but it only shows:
gt; =IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=1,Sheet1!C2gt;12),(Sheet1!A2*0.1), IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=2,Sheet1!C2gt;10),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),I F(AND(Sheet1!B2=3,Sheet1!C2gt;8),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF( AND(Sheet1!B2=4,Sheet1!C2gt;7),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AN D(Sheet1!B2=5,Sheet1!C2gt;6),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),IF(AND( Sheet
gt; With line breaks so that it is easier to read and understand, what I'm
gt; trying to accomplish is:
gt; =IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=1,Sheet1!C2gt;12),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=2,Sheet1!C2gt;10),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=3,Sheet1!C2gt;8),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=4,Sheet1!C2gt;7),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=5,Sheet1!C2gt;6),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=6,Sheet1!C2gt;5),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=7,Sheet1!C2gt;4),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=8,Sheet1!C2gt;3),(Sheet1!A2*0.1),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=9,Sheet1!C2gt;3),(Sheet1!A2*0.2),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=10,Sheet1!C2gt;2),(Sheet1!A2*0.3),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=11,Sheet1!C2gt;2),(Sheet1!A2*0.4),
gt; IF(AND(Sheet1!B2=12,Sheet1!C2gt;1),(Sheet1!A2*0.5),0 ))
gt; Is there a more elegant way to do this?
If B2 is constrained to being one of the values listed (perhaps by Data
Validation?), then you could use a separate list of the B2 values, C2
comparison values, and A2 multiplier values, amp; do a VLOOKUP in those lists:
=IF(Sheet1!C2gt;VLOOKUP(Sheet1!B2,Sheet3!A1:C12,2),V LOOKUP(Sheet1!B2,Sheet3!A1:C12,3)*Sheet1!A2,0)
The array Sheet3!A1:C12 would look like this:
1 12 0.1
2 10 0.1
3 8 0.1
4 7 0.1
5 6 0.1
6 5 0.1
7 4 0.1
8 3 0.1
9 3 0.2
10 2 0.3
11 2 0.4
12 1 0.5David Biddulph
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Multiple Ifs