
I want to be able to keep track of a number of incoming documents in excel
and ensure they are actioned within a given timeframe. I want to set up a
simple spreedsheet with columns named: action, date in, date due out.

I want to use colours to identify the urgent requests - ie red for a
document that is within 3 days of its due date, orange for something that is
5 days within due date and green for actions that have greater than 10 days
until its due date.

I assume i need an action for this, but am not entirely sure how..?

bec wrote:
gt; I want to be able to keep track of a number of incoming documents in
gt; excel and ensure they are actioned within a given timeframe. I want
gt; to set up a simple spreedsheet with columns named: action, date in,
gt; date due out.
gt; I want to use colours to identify the urgent requests - ie red for a
gt; document that is within 3 days of its due date, orange for something
gt; that is 5 days within due date and green for actions that have
gt; greater than 10 days until its due date.
gt; I assume i need an action for this, but am not entirely sure how..?

Look at Formatting-gt;Conditional Formatting...
use conditional formatting. Select the cell you want to apply the
conditional formating to. Select Format-gt;Conditional Formating. Select
Formula Is and insert these formulas

=(TODAY() 3)gt;$C1
=(TODAY() 5)gt;$C1

This might change depending on what you want to do when the date passes the
due date, and when you are between 5 and 10. You specify between 0 and 3, 3
and 5, 10 and greater, but not between 5 and 10.

quot;becquot; wrote:

gt; I want to be able to keep track of a number of incoming documents in excel
gt; and ensure they are actioned within a given timeframe. I want to set up a
gt; simple spreedsheet with columns named: action, date in, date due out.
gt; I want to use colours to identify the urgent requests - ie red for a
gt; document that is within 3 days of its due date, orange for something that is
gt; 5 days within due date and green for actions that have greater than 10 days
gt; until its due date.
gt; I assume i need an action for this, but am not entirely sure how..?

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