Ho do I avoid making duplicate entries across a number of worksheets in the
same spreadsheet? I can avoid duplicates on the same page by using the Data
Validation function, but when I try to do this across more than one sheet I
am not able to.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can use the following macro linked to the Workbook_SheetChange event
on the ThisWorkbook tab.
It's a bit slow and can be improved by restricting the search range to
the cells that you are likely to use.
e.g. Sheet.Range(Sheet.Cells(1, 1), Sheet.Cells(100, 100)) instead of
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As
Dim DuplicatedValue As Boolean
DuplicatedValue = False
For Each Sheet In Sheets
If Sheet Is Sh Then
If Application.CountIf(Sheet.Cells, Target) gt; 1 Then
DuplicatedValue = True
End If
If Application.CountIf(Sheet.Cells, Target) gt; 0 Then
DuplicatedValue = True
End If
End If
Next Sheet
If DuplicatedValue = True Then MsgBox quot;Duplicatequot;
End Sub--
Research Scientist with many years of spreadsheet development experience
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- Mar 13 Thu 2008 20:43
How to avoid duplicates across multiple worsheets in excel?