Hello all,
I am working on a spreadsheet for a youth travelers league. I have 3 rows of
averages that are from an aray formula. I would like to run an IFMAX formula
to state which Game is better Game 1, Game 2, or Game 3 into one column. I
figured out how to complete into 3 colums but I don't care for that much.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My formula
=IF((MAX(A2:C2)=A2),quot;Game 1quot;,quot;quot; Same for colums E and F Replacing Game 1
with Game 2 etc, etc.
Game 1Game 2Game 3BestBestBest
134.88150.1121.4Game 2
177.18174.5177.6Game 3
147.44138.89152.00Game 3
170.67152.17143.17Game 1
150.89141.56142.22Game 1
157.64155.18150.64Game 1
157.50107.00150.00Game 1
167.36163.36169.36Game 3
126.40123.40134.00Game 3
166.55177.91162.73Game 2
154.71144.29175.00Game 3
170.80171.70172.60Game 3
Hi Jon,
In D2 and copy across and down,
=INDEX($A$1:$C$1,MATCH(LARGE($A2:$C2,COLUMN(A1)),$ A2:$C2,0))
where A1:C1 houses Game 1, Game 2 and Game 3.
Krishnakumar's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=20138
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=496358How about
=quot;Game quot;amp;MATCH(MAX(A2:C2),A2:C2,0)
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
quot;Jonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hello all,
gt; I am working on a spreadsheet for a youth travelers league. I have 3 rows
gt; averages that are from an aray formula. I would like to run an IFMAX
gt; to state which Game is better Game 1, Game 2, or Game 3 into one column.
gt; figured out how to complete into 3 colums but I don't care for that much.
gt; Any help would be greatly appreciated.
gt; EX:
gt; My formula
gt; =IF((MAX(A2:C2)=A2),quot;Game 1quot;,quot;quot; Same for colums E and F Replacing Game 1
gt; with Game 2 etc, etc.
gt; Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Best Best Best
gt; 134.88 150.1 121.4 Game 2
gt; 177.18 174.5 177.6 Game 3
gt; 147.44 138.89 152.00 Game 3
gt; 170.67 152.17 143.17 Game 1
gt; 150.89 141.56 142.22 Game 1
gt; 157.64 155.18 150.64 Game 1
gt; 157.50 107.00 150.00 Game 1
gt; 167.36 163.36 169.36 Game 3
gt; 126.40 123.40 134.00 Game 3
gt; 166.55 177.91 162.73 Game 2
gt; 154.71 144.29 175.00 Game 3
gt; 170.80 171.70 172.60 Game 3
Both formulas worked thanks to the both of you!
quot;Jonquot; wrote:
gt; Hello all,
gt; I am working on a spreadsheet for a youth travelers league. I have 3 rows of
gt; averages that are from an aray formula. I would like to run an IFMAX formula
gt; to state which Game is better Game 1, Game 2, or Game 3 into one column. I
gt; figured out how to complete into 3 colums but I don't care for that much.
gt; Any help would be greatly appreciated.
gt; EX:
gt; My formula
gt; =IF((MAX(A2:C2)=A2),quot;Game 1quot;,quot;quot; Same for colums E and F Replacing Game 1
gt; with Game 2 etc, etc.
gt; Game 1Game 2Game 3BestBestBest
gt; 134.88150.1121.4Game 2
gt; 177.18174.5177.6Game 3
gt; 147.44138.89152.00Game 3
gt; 170.67152.17143.17Game 1
gt; 150.89141.56142.22Game 1
gt; 157.64155.18150.64Game 1
gt; 157.50107.00150.00Game 1
gt; 167.36163.36169.36Game 3
gt; 126.40123.40134.00Game 3
gt; 166.55177.91162.73Game 2
gt; 154.71144.29175.00Game 3
gt; 170.80171.70172.60Game 3
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 20:43
IFMAX Formula