
I have a large list of customer name and phone numbers that is continuously
being added in bulk from other worksheets. I need to be able to check that
the records are not being duplicated. I would appreciate any help you could
give me..

If you want to find quot;UNIQUEquot; Records - you can select the Column - then
DATA - FILTER - ADVANCED FILTER - Then Check the quot;UNIQUEquot; records and
then copy that list and paste into a new WORKSHEET.
If you want to find quot;Duplicatesquot; the easiest way I have found is to
sort your records on the column you want to check. Then have the cell
above the records you want to check for duplicates as a quot;blankquot; or a
column Title. For this example I would start the records you want to
check at Cell A2 (you always want a Not Dup for your first value): Then
enter the following formula in whatever column you want and copy it down
the list:
=IF(A2=A1,quot;Dupquot;,quot;Not Dupquot;). You Can enter whatever values you want for
quot;DUPquot; and quot;Not Dupquot;--
wjohnson's Profile:;userid=29640
View this thread: this was something I had to do frequently, I would use Jim Cone's fine
commercial Add-in called XL Companion.
Available at:

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Sharonquot; wrote:

gt; I have a large list of customer name and phone numbers that is continuously
gt; being added in bulk from other worksheets. I need to be able to check that
gt; the records are not being duplicated. I would appreciate any help you could
gt; give me..

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