I found this information on Microsoft's website but i don't fully
understand it because it is giving me trouble.
gt; Network drive letters in links When you click a cell containing a link
gt; and the source workbook is closed, you'll see the full path to the
gt; source workbook. The path uses the drive letter you have mapped to the
gt; share. The links continue to work correctly for other users who map
gt; different drive letters to the same share.
gt; You can edit linking formulas to use UNC names, such as
gt; \\myserver\myshare, instead of drive letters. UNC names can make links
gt; easier to update when several people will use a linking workbook,
gt; because Excel can update links that use UNC names even if users don't
gt; have a drive letter mapped to the network share. For example, you can
gt; change ='G:\[source.xls]Prices'!B5 to
gt; ='\\myserver\myshare\[source.xls]Prices'!B5. However, using UNC names
gt; can also reduce calculation speed, especially if your workbooks use
gt; calculation-intensive features such as the Solver add-in program.
I'm QUITE A FEW (maybe about 100 workbooks) that will be connected
based on department and center.
A few problems. Once i do a department, i plan to save ALL SIMILAR
Departments in different CENTER FOLDERS.
I've been afraid to use C: etc because i don't want to have to redo all
my links since i don't know what letter or where exactly from the root
the files will be placed on the server.
The other problem is that everytime i used teh
quot;='\\myserver\myshare\[source.xls]Prices'!B5quot; type link, a dialog box
pops up asking me to go directly to the file i want to link to.
Otherwise it gives me a REF error. I can't possibly go to all these
files. I need to be able to cut and paste these paths and maybe use
CTRL F (for Find) and do minor maintenance.
Any suggestions? I assume the more generic version was created to make
it more portable across teh nextwork with out all the links breaking
down, but i can't figure it out.
maurices5000's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=5229
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493966
No one has tried to link two workbooks together?--
maurices5000's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=5229
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493966
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 20:43
Linking WorkBOOKS across directories