I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
the temp. file........
A program creates a temporary file to temporarily store information. The
program determines where and when to create temporary files. Temporary files
are available only for the current session of the program. Your Temp file is
probably the only source you got for the recovery of that file...
quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; the temp. file........
Where do I finde the temporary file???
quot;Jas Microquot; wrote:
gt; A program creates a temporary file to temporarily store information. The
gt; program determines where and when to create temporary files. Temporary files
gt; are available only for the current session of the program. Your Temp file is
gt; probably the only source you got for the recovery of that file...
gt; quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; gt; the temp. file........
The temporary file created when Excel performs an automatic save is stored in
the Temp folder in your C:\ drive, unless there is not a valid Temp folder;
Excel then saves the temporary file in the same folder or disk where it saves
the document (in this case your zip disk).
quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; Where do I finde the temporary file???
gt; quot;Jas Microquot; wrote:
gt; gt; A program creates a temporary file to temporarily store information. The
gt; gt; program determines where and when to create temporary files. Temporary files
gt; gt; are available only for the current session of the program. Your Temp file is
gt; gt; probably the only source you got for the recovery of that file...
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; gt; gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; gt; gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; gt; gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; gt; gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; gt; gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; gt; gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; gt; gt; the temp. file........
Try doing a search for all files saved within the last day or so, then
eyeball through them to find one with a strange name that's about the size of
the one you had in Excel......quot;maybequot; you can recover it.....
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; Where do I finde the temporary file???
gt; quot;Jas Microquot; wrote:
gt; gt; A program creates a temporary file to temporarily store information. The
gt; gt; program determines where and when to create temporary files. Temporary files
gt; gt; are available only for the current session of the program. Your Temp file is
gt; gt; probably the only source you got for the recovery of that file...
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; gt; gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; gt; gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; gt; gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; gt; gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; gt; gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; gt; gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; gt; gt; the temp. file........
First, it's always better to work against a harddrive or network drive for this
very reason.
But when excel saves the file, it saves it as a temporary file with a funny name
(8 characters--no extension) on that same drive/folder.
If the save is successful, xl will delete the original (or rename it to its
backup name (like quot;backup of book1.xlk)) and if that's successful, xl will
rename the funny named file to the original's name.
So look on you zip file for an 8 character (no extension) file.
You may be able to use excel to open this.
But I'd copy it to a harddrive, rename it to something.xls and then work on it
charlies wrote:
gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; the temp. file........
Dave Peterson
We are currently having a problem like this. Try searching with the
wildcard *.xls and the date the file was saved. The file name will be a
combination of letters and numbers. We have not found out what is causing
this problem.On 5/18/06 2:36 PM, in article
, quot;charliesquot;
gt; wrote:
gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; the temp. file........Charlies can look for the file, but initially when Charlies clicked Save File
menu Excel probably built a new temporary file using the edited version of
the document. After Excel created the temporary file, it deleted the previous
version of the document and it renamed the temporary file to the same name as
the previous version of the document. But Excel automatically deletes this
temporary file when the original file is closed from memory. Hopefully he
can find it somewhere.
quot;CLRquot; wrote:
gt; Try doing a search for all files saved within the last day or so, then
gt; eyeball through them to find one with a strange name that's about the size of
gt; the one you had in Excel......quot;maybequot; you can recover it.....
gt; hth
gt; Vaya con Dios,
gt; Chuck, CABGx3
gt; quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Where do I finde the temporary file???
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Jas Microquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; A program creates a temporary file to temporarily store information. The
gt; gt; gt; program determines where and when to create temporary files. Temporary files
gt; gt; gt; are available only for the current session of the program. Your Temp file is
gt; gt; gt; probably the only source you got for the recovery of that file...
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; quot;charliesquot; wrote:
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; I have excell 97, working on a large spreadsheet and saving it to a zip100
gt; gt; gt; gt; disc. When I did FILE SAVE, the zip disc was full and I got a message that
gt; gt; gt; gt; the file was saved to a temp. file. Then I downsized the excel file, and
gt; gt; gt; gt; deleted some un-needed files on the zip. When I went back to the excel file,
gt; gt; gt; gt; it would not save the file, FILE NOT SAVED, message. I could not save as, or
gt; gt; gt; gt; save at all. After closing the file, the entire file was erased off the zip
gt; gt; gt; gt; disc and I can not find this temp. file on my computer. Please help me find
gt; gt; gt; gt; the temp. file........
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 20:43
disc full, saved to temp. file