I am looking for an add-in that would allow you to find the highest
prime divisor in a number. ie 68, 2x2x17, so 17 is the highest prime.
Any help would be much appreciated...Here is a function that I adapted from something I found in a Google
Function MaxPrime(limit As Long)
Dim PrimeCnt As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim Primes
ReDim Primes(1 To limit)
PrimeCnt = 1
If limit Mod 2 = 0 Then
Primes(PrimeCnt) = 2
PrimeCnt = PrimeCnt 1
End If
If limit Mod 3 = 0 Then
Primes(PrimeCnt) = 3
PrimeCnt = PrimeCnt 1
End If
x = 3
x = x 2
For y = 3 To Sqr(x) Step 2
If x Mod y = 0 Then GoTo noprime
Next y
If limit Mod x = 0 Then
Primes(PrimeCnt) = x
PrimeCnt = PrimeCnt 1
End If
Loop Until x gt; limit
MaxPrime = Application.Max(Primes)
End Function--
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
gt; wrote in message ups.com...
gt; I am looking for an add-in that would allow you to find the highest
gt; prime divisor in a number. ie 68, 2x2x17, so 17 is the highest prime.
gt; Any help would be much appreciated...
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 20:43
An add-in that allows you to find the highest prime in a number