
In previous versions of excel you could sum figures without a formula and see
the running tally in the bottom right of the screen. For example:

Column A Column B Column C
20 30 10
25 15 5
12 45 50

If I would select (aka highlight) 20, 15, 12; I would see a running tally of
47. But on my version of 2003 I no longer have that function.

Could someone please tell me how to get that function back? I hate to keep
creating formula for something so basic.

It should just be that your view is not enabled. Go to View on the main
toolbar and quot;checkquot; Status Bar

quot;PULIDOCquot; wrote:

gt; In previous versions of excel you could sum figures without a formula and see
gt; the running tally in the bottom right of the screen. For example:
gt; Column A Column B Column C
gt; 20 30 10
gt; 25 15 5
gt; 12 45 50
gt; If I would select (aka highlight) 20, 15, 12; I would see a running tally of
gt; 47. But on my version of 2003 I no longer have that function.
gt; Could someone please tell me how to get that function back? I hate to keep
gt; creating formula for something so basic.

Also, if you do have quot;Status Barquot; selected, try right-clicking on the bar.
You might have to try it in a couple of different spots along the bar, but
eventually you should get a context-sensitive menu with various options
(Average, Count, Sum, etc.). Check next to quot;Sumquot; and you should be good to go.
Hmm...they have the Internet on COMPUTERS now!quot;T Duquettequot; wrote:

gt; It should just be that your view is not enabled. Go to View on the main
gt; toolbar and quot;checkquot; Status Bar
gt; quot;PULIDOCquot; wrote:
gt; gt; In previous versions of excel you could sum figures without a formula and see
gt; gt; the running tally in the bottom right of the screen. For example:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Column A Column B Column C
gt; gt; 20 30 10
gt; gt; 25 15 5
gt; gt; 12 45 50
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If I would select (aka highlight) 20, 15, 12; I would see a running tally of
gt; gt; 47. But on my version of 2003 I no longer have that function.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Could someone please tell me how to get that function back? I hate to keep
gt; gt; creating formula for something so basic.

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