
I am trying to write a formula that will look at a cell and return one of
eight possible values depending on the cell value. Specifically, all base
cell values are between 0-360, and I want a formula that will look at the
value and determine if it is equal to 0, greater than 0 but less than 90,
equal to 90, greater than 90 but less than 180, etc., and return a different
response for each of the 8 possibilities. Is this possible?


Create a 2-column table starting in A1. In A1 enter a 0 (zero). If all of
your test numbers are integers then enter a 1 in cell A2, otherwise enter
0.00001. A3 should contain the formula = A1 90. Copy that down to A9, and
you should see 360 displayed in A9. Put the values that correspond to those
entries in cells B1:B9. Then use this formula to test your numbers

=VLOOKUP(C2,$A$1:$B$9,2)quot;Casey Dquot; wrote:

gt; I am trying to write a formula that will look at a cell and return one of
gt; eight possible values depending on the cell value. Specifically, all base
gt; cell values are between 0-360, and I want a formula that will look at the
gt; value and determine if it is equal to 0, greater than 0 but less than 90,
gt; equal to 90, greater than 90 but less than 180, etc., and return a different
gt; response for each of the 8 possibilities. Is this possible?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Casey

Thanks a million, worked like a charm!

quot;Duke Careyquot; wrote:

gt; Create a 2-column table starting in A1. In A1 enter a 0 (zero). If all of
gt; your test numbers are integers then enter a 1 in cell A2, otherwise enter
gt; 0.00001. A3 should contain the formula = A1 90. Copy that down to A9, and
gt; you should see 360 displayed in A9. Put the values that correspond to those
gt; entries in cells B1:B9. Then use this formula to test your numbers
gt; =VLOOKUP(C2,$A$1:$B$9,2)
gt; quot;Casey Dquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I am trying to write a formula that will look at a cell and return one of
gt; gt; eight possible values depending on the cell value. Specifically, all base
gt; gt; cell values are between 0-360, and I want a formula that will look at the
gt; gt; value and determine if it is equal to 0, greater than 0 but less than 90,
gt; gt; equal to 90, greater than 90 but less than 180, etc., and return a different
gt; gt; response for each of the 8 possibilities. Is this possible?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks,
gt; gt; Casey

try something like
=LOOKUP(A1,{0,1,90,91,180,181,270,271,360},{1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8})
if the numbers can be decimals change the first arreay to something like
0,.00001,90,90.00001,180,180.00001,270,270.00001,3 60
or however many decimals you need
quot;Casey Dquot; wrote:

gt; I am trying to write a formula that will look at a cell and return one of
gt; eight possible values depending on the cell value. Specifically, all base
gt; cell values are between 0-360, and I want a formula that will look at the
gt; value and determine if it is equal to 0, greater than 0 but less than 90,
gt; equal to 90, greater than 90 but less than 180, etc., and return a different
gt; response for each of the 8 possibilities. Is this possible?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Casey

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