
Does anyone know how to make it so a user can click on an Excel cell and be
hyperlinked to another cell on another tab?


have you tried looking at help for hyperlinks?
=hyperlink(quot;[book1]Sheet2!A1quot;,quot;click herequot;)
Help says
You can create hyperlinks within a worksheet to jump from one cell to
another cell. For example, if the active worksheet is the sheet named June in
the workbook named Budget, the following formula creates a hyperlink to cell
E56. The link text itself is the value in cell E56.

=HYPERLINK(quot;[Budget]June!E56quot;, E56)

To jump to a different sheet in the same workbook, change the name of the
sheet in the link. In the previous example, to create a link to cell E56 on
the September sheet, change the word quot;Junequot; to quot;September.quot;

remove nospam for email addy!
quot;Lexusquot; wrote:

gt; Does anyone know how to make it so a user can click on an Excel cell and be
gt; hyperlinked to another cell on another tab?
gt; Thanks!

in a cell use ctrl kgt;place in this documentgt;change text to suit

OR use a double_click (or right click) event in the sheet code.
right click sheet tabgt;view codegt;copy/paste this

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As
If Target.Address = quot;$A$9quot; Then _
Application.Goto Sheets(quot;sheet2quot;).Range(quot;a2quot;)
End Sub
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software

quot;Lexusquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Does anyone know how to make it so a user can click on an Excel cell and
gt; be
gt; hyperlinked to another cell on another tab?
gt; Thanks!

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