I have a worksheet with 100’s of names. The first amp; last names are on
separate cells (in the same row).
I am trying to find “JOHN DOE”, how do I search for it?You can create a column with the two names joined, with a formula like:
=A1 amp; quot; quot; amp; B1
And then use the menu Edit -gt; Find. You need to assure that you look for
values, that setting can be found on the options section, in the quot;look inquot;
drop down.
Hope this helps,
quot;Rogerquot; wrote:
gt; I have a worksheet with 100’s of names. The first amp; last names are on
gt; separate cells (in the same row).
gt; I am trying to find “JOHN DOE”, how do I search for it?
Maybe something like this:
For a list of names in A1:B1000 (Col_A holds firstnames, Col_B holds last
C1: (a name to match...eg John Doe)
This formula returns TRUE if the name is found, or FALSE for no match:
D1: =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A1000amp;quot; quot;amp;B1:B1000=C1)*ROW(A1:A1000))gt;0
Or...you could use this ARRAY FORMULA*:
D1: =ISNUMBER(MATCH(C1,A1:A1000amp;quot; quot;amp;B1:B1000,0))
*Note: For array formulas, hold down [Ctrl] and [Shift] when you press
[Enter], instead of just pressing [Enter].
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXPquot;Rogerquot; wrote:
gt; I have a worksheet with 100’s of names. The first amp; last names are on
gt; separate cells (in the same row).
gt; I am trying to find “JOHN DOE”, how do I search for it?
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 20:43