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tone dudes n dudettes,

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I recently replaced a Jensen P10R in my Mesa 4x10 b/c it was popping/buzzing at medium to high volumes. To the naked eye, it looks normal. The amp is perfect again after the speaker replacement. Any value in keeping this speaker?

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I am interested in having the ability to control the amount of volume coming from my combo amp vs. an extension cab but am a bit confused here... Is there any way for the amp separate the 'external speaker' output vs the speaker in the combo? Basically I want to use a pedal like the EB volume/pan to be able to switch from the built in speaker to the extension cab. Do I need a whole separate amp to do this? How does stereo operation work?

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I had big plans to swap out the McCarty pups in my new BLE and put in some duncans, but.......................NOT ANYMORE!! I'm really, really, really impressed with these stock McCarty pups. WOW!!Sorry, I just had to get that out.

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There is a shop here that still has two new PRS Singlecut guitars, at very good prices!..... I played them both yesterday and was blown away by both tone and playability.

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can anyone tell me the difference between the two? i know theres the added bottom control on the md-2..but other than that, whats the difference?

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Well this way you get newer knife edges and better material:
from : localhost/little springy bits go in between the sustain block and the baseplate, also, the string spacing will be Floyded (solves my problems) and it's only a 30 euros expense.

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Took a few nights, but it's done. Would have been done quicker but I was missing a part or two. Had to hit Home Depot and a local electronics parts store.

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Well, I finally had a chance to sit down and make some quick clips of my Hermida Zendrive and Mosferatu. They turned out sounding better than I expected, as I had to run them in front of a GuitarPort since I don't have any way to record my amp. I'll post a screenshot of my GP settings, as well as a pic of the way the knobs are set on the pedals.

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well, i pulled the trigger on one of these pups... ;D
now i need to sell like 2 of my other cabs...anyone want a mint genz benz gflex 2X12?

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I just bought an Edwards Les Paul with SH6 pickups. It´s very noisy, so I took an ohm-meter and when checking the resistance between the polepieces and current on the telejack, I get 13k on all polepieces except the g-string polepieces. They have no connection at all as it seems... Is it supposed to be that way??? It is the same on BOTH pickups btw...

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lp, heavy mahogany.

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Hi all,

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I'm looking for a neck pup for my Ibanez RG 1570 (Basswood, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard). I've got a Dimebucker in the bridge. I mostly play metal. I was thinking of either the distortion or invader. However, I've read some people don't reccomend pairing two high output humbuckers. I want something that has good growl for rhythm. I was planning on putting cool rails in the middle at some point for cleans. Any thoughts?

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Got left over 500t and 496r from my les paul.

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from my new record:

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This is the greatest idea since sliced bread, but the one hitch is that the average pot just doesn't have the right taper for it. Pretty much nothing happens from 10 to 8, then there's a big drop to 7, then very little from 7 to 5 and a big drop to 3-4, then nothing again...you get the idea.

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where can i get a SD-Invader to turn my standard strat into a tom delonge strat

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or Poplar or Swamp ash or... Agathis Which tonewood do you prefer?
Why do you prefer it?It's a common question but I want to know why you guys dig the tonewoods you dig. Give me some wisdom.

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Okay gents......I have been through a lot of pickups and can't nail it with my Mccarty. The lows on this guitar are dark and not to clear - needs more punch as well! I have the Dragon IIs back in and like the neck a lot - very clear and about 9k. Could be a bit more vintage but it works. I am going to check with Lew about ordering a nickel covered C-5 since this seems to be the go-to McCarty-Duncan match. Any thoughts guys?

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