
I want to input a cell reference into a cell and then display the contents of
the same cell references from other sheets within the same workbook. How do
I do this?

quot;KePaHaquot; wrote:

gt; On Sheet 2, cell B12, type =Sheet1!G23 to display the contents of that cell
gt; quot;Peter J Watsonquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I want to input a cell reference into a cell and then display the contents of
gt; gt; the same cell references from other sheets within the same workbook. How do
gt; gt; I do this?

Not quite what I am looking to do. I have information on 7 sheets (2 to 8),
each one represents a courier servive - on each sheet the columns (A, B, C
etc) represent area codes and the rows (1,2,3 etc) represent weights. I want
to type into cell A1 lt;AC100gt; on sheet 1, where the area code is AC and the
weight to be used eg 100. I would like to display in C1:C6 the values from
sheet2!AC100, sheet3!AC100 etc

Any ideas?

So - to be clear - user will type in a cell address (like D55) rather than a
zip code?

If so, how about this formula =INDIRECT(quot;Sheet2!quot; amp; A1) in cell B1 to
take what is in A1, concatenate it with the proepr Sheet tab name, and then
retieve its contents?


quot;Peter J Watsonquot; wrote:

gt; quot;KePaHaquot; wrote:
gt; gt; On Sheet 2, cell B12, type =Sheet1!G23 to display the contents of that cell
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Peter J Watsonquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I want to input a cell reference into a cell and then display the contents of
gt; gt; gt; the same cell references from other sheets within the same workbook. How do
gt; gt; gt; I do this?
gt; Not quite what I am looking to do. I have information on 7 sheets (2 to 8),
gt; each one represents a courier servive - on each sheet the columns (A, B, C
gt; etc) represent area codes and the rows (1,2,3 etc) represent weights. I want
gt; to type into cell A1 lt;AC100gt; on sheet 1, where the area code is AC and the
gt; weight to be used eg 100. I would like to display in C1:C6 the values from
gt; sheet2!AC100, sheet3!AC100 etc
gt; Any ideas?

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