
I want to have something (a elipse) drew on my excel file, but i dont want it
to be selected when i click on it (i want to select the cell that is under
it!). What can i do? If i can use a macro, please tell me how (new user...)
thanks,Select the Elipse and from the Drawing Toolbar use No Fill under Fill Colors.
By Default, it is filled by White Color. That is why you are having problem
selecting the cell.

Let us know, if this information is useful to you.

quot;Fecoziskquot; wrote:

gt; I want to have something (a elipse) drew on my excel file, but i dont want it
gt; to be selected when i click on it (i want to select the cell that is under
gt; it!). What can i do? If i can use a macro, please tell me how (new user...)
gt; thanks,

In addition to removing the Fill, you can also unlock the sheet's cells
then protect the sheet. That way, even clicking on the edge of the
ellipse will not select it.

Ken JohnsonHmmm.. almost there! I could protect it to not be selected even if clicking
on the elipse's edge. But the cells under it are very small, and the border
of the elipse arent alowing me to select the cell, which is my goal! Is there
anything i can do to quot;pretendquot; that the elipse quot;doesnt existsquot;? and if i
click the edge it selects the cell that is under it?
Thanks for everything!
quot;Ken Johnsonquot; escreveu:

gt; In addition to removing the Fill, you can also unlock the sheet's cells
gt; then protect the sheet. That way, even clicking on the edge of the
gt; ellipse will not select it.
gt; Ken Johnson

You could try this. It converts your ellipse to a bitmap then uses that
bitmap picture as a watermark (a worksheet background behind the
cells). The only problem with this technique is that your whole
worksheet is covered with multiple copies of the ellipse. Also, the
watermark does not change size when you either change cell sizes or
zoom in or out. So, you would only use this technique if that didn't
matter. It won't matter if for this sheet
(1) your cells keep a constant size
(2) you don't need to scroll down or across to other parts of the sheet
where the other copies of the ellipse have been placed by Excel
(3) you don't need to zoom in or out

Follow these steps to make the watermark...

1. Draw the ellipse. Format it to have no fill. Position it on the
2. Draw a rectangle (AutoShape).Carefully adjust the rectangle's size
so that it is the same size as the visible area of your worksheet.
3. Format it to have no fill and no line.
4.With the invisible rectangle still selected, hold down the Shift key
while you select the Ellipse.
5. With the Ellipse and rectangle both selected go Drawgt;Group
6. Copy the Grouped drawing.
7.Open Windows Paint program. Startgt;All Programsgt;Accessoriesgt;Paint
8. In Paint go Editgt;Paste then go Filegt;Save and name the file quot;Ellipsequot;
(without the speech marks). Click OK to save.
9. Go back to your workbook then go Formatgt;Sheetgt;Background...
10. Type quot;Ellipsequot; (without the speech marks) in the Filename: box of
the dialog that appears, then click on the Insert button.
11. Small adjustments to cell sizes may be needed to get the relative
position of the Ellipse correct.

If you're not satisfied with the result just go Formatgt;Sheetgt;Delete

Ken Johnsonyeah man! Now this problem is solved! thanks a lot. Very creative! thanks!

quot;Ken Johnsonquot; escreveu:

gt; You could try this. It converts your ellipse to a bitmap then uses that
gt; bitmap picture as a watermark (a worksheet background behind the
gt; cells). The only problem with this technique is that your whole
gt; worksheet is covered with multiple copies of the ellipse. Also, the
gt; watermark does not change size when you either change cell sizes or
gt; zoom in or out. So, you would only use this technique if that didn't
gt; matter. It won't matter if for this sheet
gt; (1) your cells keep a constant size
gt; (2) you don't need to scroll down or across to other parts of the sheet
gt; where the other copies of the ellipse have been placed by Excel
gt; (3) you don't need to zoom in or out
gt; Follow these steps to make the watermark...
gt; 1. Draw the ellipse. Format it to have no fill. Position it on the
gt; worksheet.
gt; 2. Draw a rectangle (AutoShape).Carefully adjust the rectangle's size
gt; so that it is the same size as the visible area of your worksheet.
gt; 3. Format it to have no fill and no line.
gt; 4.With the invisible rectangle still selected, hold down the Shift key
gt; while you select the Ellipse.
gt; 5. With the Ellipse and rectangle both selected go Drawgt;Group
gt; 6. Copy the Grouped drawing.
gt; 7.Open Windows Paint program. Startgt;All Programsgt;Accessoriesgt;Paint
gt; 8. In Paint go Editgt;Paste then go Filegt;Save and name the file quot;Ellipsequot;
gt; (without the speech marks). Click OK to save.
gt; 9. Go back to your workbook then go Formatgt;Sheetgt;Background...
gt; 10. Type quot;Ellipsequot; (without the speech marks) in the Filename: box of
gt; the dialog that appears, then click on the Insert button.
gt; 11. Small adjustments to cell sizes may be needed to get the relative
gt; position of the Ellipse correct.
gt; If you're not satisfied with the result just go Formatgt;Sheetgt;Delete
gt; background.
gt; Ken Johnson

Hi Fecozisk,


Thanks for the feedback.

Ken Johnson

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