Can those who have actual experience with P90's describe the tonal characteristics of them? I am a big fan of Leslie West's guitar tone and his classic signature tone comes from P90's but still I am not able to put my finger on the typical P90 tone the way I can identify certain humbuckers or Strat-style single coils. How would you say P90's compare to vintage humbuckers? Also, how close are Phat Cats to the real thing?
they have more of the single coil sound but are punchier
growlier sound than either... fatter than fender SCs, not as fat as full HB
I just came home with a phat cat today, so I'll be able to answer that last question sometime this weekend!Phat cats have the clarity of single coils but hold up under gain like humbuckers. They're brighter than humbuckers with less bass, but they're more middy and nasal than most singler coils and are also fatter and do better with distortion and overdrive. Think the lead tone on quot;Cortez the Killerquot; by Neil Young.
I've got a 64 gibson 330 (stock), and a 03 Godin LG (stock with 2 SD P90 customs). Both styles modern and vintage sound good. The vintage will give you more of the classic West sound. The Hot, or Custom will give you the extra kick in the pants for higher gain.
What they sound like. Very full, and fat, they have the hum issue obviously. They have a low end growl and a high end bite.
Green Day uses P90's in their new songs, so give them a listen.
Thanks for all the info guys. I am going to give them a try in my project guitar. I like the idea of growl and bite. I have a Hamer Artist with Seths and a Carvin Bolt with single coils so I think a guitar with P90's would be a good addition.
P-90 guitar would be an excellent addition. I love the raunchy sound of P-90's. Kinda like sc's on steriods!
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
What Do P90's Sound Like???