Does anyone out there play this amp? If so, any opinions? How about the Hex model?
ive played a few voodoo heads with the hex mod. great high gain and the clean channel is kinda fendery even though the ones i heard used el34's, itll break up if you push it hard but cleans up as soons as you touch the volume control.
never tried the witchdoctor
Trace let me borrow a witchdoctor for a week made from a pa head. One of the early amps he made. It was badass. I could get tones from Queens of the stone age to Pantera. I wish I had the money at the time but I had to take a rain check as I had just got my Rectifier modded along with a bunch of other items I bought. In hindsight I was a fool as he only wanted $500 for it. If I get another amp it will be a witchdoctor or maybe the hex.
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
Voodoo Witch doctor