The Short:
How do I get the middle Tone knob to control both the Bridge and Neck pickup on a Standard Strat.
The Long:
A couple of months ago I did a wiring mod to two of my Strats where the middle Tone knob controlled both the Bridge and Neck tone and the bottom Tone knob controlled the tone of the middle pickup.
It was one of those mods that I know might not be perfect for others, but it was perfect for me.
A few days ago I dropped the guitar off to get set up. I'd noticed the night before a loose ground and I told them to go ahead and fix it.
When i picked up the guitar this morning the kid gives me the run-down on what he did to it. Being early in the morning I didn't flinch when he said something to the effect of quot;unjumpered some weird wirequot;.
When I got home and played it acoustically it sounded and felt great. But after 20 seconds of plugging in I knew EXACTLY what he'd done. This is a bridge pickup that NEEDS a tone knob JUST to be playable....and of course he just up and removed it rather than make the phone call to ask about it.
So now I'm stumped on how the hell I did it a few months ago. I'd really rather not dis-assemble another guitar to figure it out. I think all I did was run a lead from the pickup selector to a lug on the tone knob. But since the Duncan schematics give VERY little background as to what the controls do on the layout I'm kind of at a loss.
What gets me is that this is the second time this kid has done it to me. The first time around he threw out the bridge pickup to a 73' Strat because it wasn't working right.
So...the patient is prepped and on the table. I even unplugged the soldering iron to wait for a response.
Its basically just a matter of jumpering the quot;otherquot; side of the 5-way to connect a tone control in whatever position you want. For example, you could have one tone be for neck and bridge by using the #1 and #3 lug, then use the other tone for the middle by connecting it to the #2 lug.
Or one tone control to control neck and middle by connecting it to lugs #1 and #2, and the other tone control to #3 for the bridge.
So, you have one side of the 5-way selecting pups, and the other side selecting tone configuration.
I can draw pic - tomorrow, if you'ld like.
Like this, for example:
Edit: Note that there's a jumper that connects the dark blue, and dark red lugs together.
That's the ticket!!!!
Thanks Artie!!!
- Nov 29 Mon 2010 21:02
Strat Wiring Mod Assistance