i saw this sucker in person at the Dallas Guitar Show and managed to track it down on the net... WOW!! I really love this thing... too bad it is so damn expensive!!!!! Great guitar!! One of my favorite Jacksons of all time.
CLICK HERE (Hope it works)
$4720 scare anyone else?? I have owned several badass Jacksons (including a RR Limited Polka-Dot V) and never payed over 2K, ever. $4700 is almost ridiculous. I bet this guitar will sell for around 3K.
My all time favorite Jackson ever since I saw it on the custom page of the Jackson website. You my friend, have taste
Very cool, but if I was into that type of paint, I'd buy one of those Schecters before I even considered dropping more than 4.5k on anything.
for that price it better be able to make me breakfast as well
As much as I have a soft spot for both 80s poseur guitars and WW2 bomber artwork, I'm not feeling the love. especially at that price.
I've drooled over that guitar so many times but i just can't justify the price AT ALL. it plain and simple is not worth that much. it's a killer guitar i'd love to own for about $1700-$2000 lol. $4,720 that's just a joke lol.
If that thing would have been $2000, even $2200 I probably would have bought it when I had the chance. But, $4700 is just insane IMO. I truly love it but could get something built exactly like it from GMW for a fraction of that price. The same guy (Dan Lawrence) would even paint it!!
i dont like those kinda paint jobs generally, but that is really cool. REEDIculous price though. i dont think i would ever pay that much for a guitar in general... unless i end up mad crazy rich.
I like some of those pinup/ aircraft type guitar paints, but I'd buy that quot;bomber girlquot; Schecter for $250 instead of the $4700 that the Jackson is (and, while I may get flamed for it, I actually like the Schecter's paint job better).
Hey RGN,
Wouldn't it be cool if the stop started coming off the higher up the neck you went? Sorta like those joke pens?
Then it might be worth the asking price.
Otherwise, I dig it.
I like the rhoads with the bomb on it better...
Funny story: that guitar was ordered by a former Jackson dealer who sent in a photo of his wife and asked that they put her head on the pinup girl's body. Let's just say that the subject of the artwork wouldn't have been my first choice for such a project and for those of you who get a really good look at this one, don't go away with the impression that Dan can't do faces well.
I think that that price is really strange. It's like a 100% normal custom shop soloist without that graphic, logo (?) and reverse headstock. A CS soloist has a MAP of 3500$. They can't really rise the price by 2500$ for those, can they?
i gotta pinup on one of my strats and people always tell me it looks cool.
If it's a custom shop Jackson, then it's a little closer to the right price. But if the paint job is the only thing different from a stock Jackson then the price is horrific. If you want that look, I'd say get a used Jackson that already has a bunch of the finish worn off and have it painted. If I was going to get a custom shop Jackson, I'd have it custom made for ME, not just something made on a whim. There would probably be something on that guitar I didn't like, and for that much money, it had better be EXACTLY like I want it.
Cool paint job, though.
Originally Posted by RGNIf that thing would have been $2000, even $2200 I probably would have bought it when I had the chance. But, $4700 is just insane IMO. I truly love it but could get something built exactly like it from GMW for a fraction of that price. The same guy (Dan Lawrence) would even paint it!!
That's probably your best bet. Just find a used DK-1, or SL-2H and send it to GMW. The only thing that would suck is the wait.
- Nov 29 Mon 2010 21:02
One of the coolest Jacksons ever (PIC)