The last couple of videos I've seen of Joe Walsh, including Crossroads Festival, he has been playing strats. Has he switched exculsively to strats? CoachC
Who knows... that guy is one of the biggest gear whores ever.
another deserter i see.
after working with Joe a few times in the past, it seems that he views his guitars and amps as tools- he uses the right tool for whatever the song calls for, I've seen him play all sorts of stuff. but it does seem that he has gravitated away from Gibsons lately.
He's currently endorsing Carvin's PRS-alike guitar. but Joe uses whatever he feels like at any given moment...
I don't think JW will ever switch to ANY guitar exclusively.
I like Joe's amp farm behind him... Marshall combos, a Fender Vibro King and a few others.... his pedalboard is large too.. I've seen him use RICs, Teles, Strats, Les Pauls....
watch this clip from long time ago:
from : localhost/
he switched to a strat mid song and went back to the LP at the end.
His tone in that video is insane! -Will
Originally Posted by WhoFanI like Joe's amp farm behind him... Marshall combos, a Fender Vibro King and a few others.... his pedalboard is large too.. I've seen him use RICs, Teles, Strats, Les Pauls....Whats his pedal board look like?
whats the effect that he using when he mixed the guitar sound with the microphone
Originally Posted by fusion101whats the effect that he using when he mixed the guitar sound with the microphonethats a talkbox
Like JW. Saw him around '75 on late night TV. I was a fan ever since. Used to guzzle gallons of beer. Not now. I still think he plays like a madman...
Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireWhats his pedal board look like?
I think they still have photos up of one of his touring rigs at his site but he changes everything all the time....
Originally Posted by WhoFanI think they still have photos up of one of his touring rigs at his site but he changes everything all the time....
I was looking around his web site and the photos of his gear i can't find anymore....
He played a strat at the strat 50 year show, which he plonked on the stage floor and left. It seemed rudish, but not as rude as ron woods Gibbie and Brian Mays homie
Originally Posted by More-Gear-Than-SkillHe played a strat at the strat 50 year show, which he plonked on the stage floor and left. It seemed rudish, but not as rude as ron woods Gibbie and Brian Mays homie
The guitar he put on the floor was the 'Talkbox Guitar' that his tech bought onstage for him to use during the middle bit of 'Rocky Mountain Way'.
He played the talkbox bit, and then had to continue playing the rest of the song, so he couldn't stand there holding it
I do agree about the use of Ron Woods Gibson acoustic and Brian May using his Red Special tho
For the songs that Brian May needed a 'fatter' tone for, he could've used a Strat with a HSS pickup arrangement. Just to keep with the Strat theme of the night
I just picked up a Best of Joe Walsh CD, and he's obviously using a Strat as far back as the early James Gang stuff. No wang bar on his old Tele or LP.
Originally Posted by Rich_SI just picked up a Best of Joe Walsh CD, and he's obviously using a Strat as far back as the early James Gang stuff. No wang bar on his old Tele or LP.
Ya i always keep a Walsh best of in my car called quot;Joe Walsh...Little Did He Know...quot; It has all his best stuff... Love The Bomber...... once they get to that Marching beat and play that old classical tune that is pretty freaky! Mother Says has that huge built up in the middle.. You can really hear the ARP Synth that Pete Townshend gave Joe on that one... But by far the best track i love to listen to is Meadows! What a track!
Oneday i wish Joe's solo version of In The City would get released on cd.... it was on a movie soundtrack and the Eagles recorded it for the Long Run album
I like James Gang Rides Again. Does any one know what he plays in that?
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:55
Has Joe Walsh switched to strats?