Here's the deal. Right now I have a Laney AOR30. It's a good amp but it needs new tubes BAD. They're totally shot. The cost of the retubing plus biasing probably would be around 70 pounds. Because the amp is so big in size, I can't bring it to band practises, or move it around. So all I do with it now is use its effects loop for the POD.
Before I got this one, I was eyeing a Laney LC15R. It's a small 15watter all tube amp, which has very sweet singing tones and amazing bluesy sound. It's possible to carry it around, it also has reverb, effects loop, external speaker socket... It has less gain and a more vintage sound, but that doesn't bother me at all. I'd use it also for its cleans with a distortion pedal in front.
If I retube the AOR, I'd take the risk of not liking it much more. It's a great amp, but it needs new tubes and to be cranked up. The LC15 sounds really nice at low volume, especially on clean tones. Furthermore, should I happen to use it for gigs, it'd be cranked up, whereas the AOR couldn't even be brought to the gig: it's too big.
Pretty much everything points to the LC15R. I'd lose very little money, if any, should I buy it over retubing the AOR.
What would Jesus do? What would you guys do?
If the AOR is too big for practice and too big for gigs and needs tubes so bad that you don't really even use it then why in the world would you keep it?
Thank you
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03
Dilema.... retubing vs smaller, handier amp...