
I supposedly got one of these in a trade a while ago. It doesn't have the logo on it as those particular models do not. But it also doesn't have a model number or anything on the back. It's basically an unmarked pickup. The guy said he bought it intending on putting it in a guitar, but never did. I put it in a Tele and it sounds great, but I would like to be sure that it's the real deal for when I sell it eventually.

Are there any discriminating features that I should be looking for? What does the back look like? I compared it against the web pics of the top of the pickup and it looks identical (but what Tele rhy pickup doesn't).

if you put a meter to it, you might be able to tell but im sure there are other pups that are similar in resistance. if it sounds good i wouldnt worry too much

Originally Posted by jeremyif you put a meter to it, you might be able to tell but im sure there are other pups that are similar in resistance. if it sounds good i wouldnt worry too much

It'll be going up on eBay Monday after I replace it with a humbucker. I really want to be sure that it is what it is supposed to be.

the dc resistance should be about 7.3k for a vintage neck

Originally Posted by jeremythe dc resistance should be about 7.3k for a vintage neckThere are probably 100 Tele neck pickups with that impedance.


Originally Posted by jeremyyupSo are SD Vintage '54 Tele Rhythm pickups totally unlabeled?

im sure it came with a sticker on the back telling what it was but you said that there is nothing on the pup so im assuming that it fell off. not sure what to tell ya

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