
Looking for a nice new, or used, tube amp in the near future. I am getting my sweet a$$ Gauge guitar soon and want some new hardware to go along with it. I have been looking at the Mesa lonestars, Voxs, and Marshalls, but really don't know if these are exactly what I want. What would you guys suggest in a 2 X 12 combo? Keep in mind that I play a little of everything, so it will have to have a nice clean sound, but be able to get dirty when needed. Thanks for the help in advance.

Have you looked at Traynor?

I have not. I will take the time to look into them. This is what I like about the forum, I get suggestions about things I would not think of by myself.

I'd only suggest a 2x12 tube combo to someone who was married to a chiropractor.
As for what to buy, I can only suggest that you try everything you can and buy what you like best. Buying an amp on a friend's suggestion is dicey at best. Buying an amp based on strangers' suggestion is foolish. Even using our well-meaning input to focus your search probably isn't a good idea. You never know what's going to tickle your fancy--my #1 was an amp I tried on a whim. Try everything, even stuff that's outside your price range, if only to figure out what you like and dislike.

I was looking into Traynor recently in my search for a small combo amp, I went with a Crate tube amp because of my budget. I'm not very knowledgeable about them, but the older heads and combos are built very well at a realtively inexpensive price (for what you get). I'm sure current and past owners will chime in with further praise.

If you were to ask anyone who knows me they would tell you that I do more research before buying than anyone else they know. I will take the suggestions I get here and read reviews and play everything I can find. Even then I will have one heck of a time making a decision. Blueline can back me up on this one. I took several months before picking out a set of pups and we have even been discussing the color options for a year now. I just like to be prepared when purchasing something. BTW I am a big guy and 2 X 12, although heavy, won't be too bad.

Originally Posted by blindedbysilenceI will take the suggestions I get here and read reviews and play everything I can find.

Wrong order, IMO.
Play everything first, before you develop any preconceptions. After you figure out what you like, then read the reviews to make sure that you're not looking at an amp with reliability issues or other shortcomings like Soldano's crappy FX loops. If you check reviews first, you're liable to overlook an amp that might be exactly what you're looking for.
It's really hard to offer constructive suggestions given the vague parameters you've laid out. You didn't provide a price range. Are you looking for a $500 / $1000 / booteek amp? Why are you looking for a 2x12 combo? Do you need to keep up with a loud drummer? Why a combo as opposed to a head amp; cab?
Your statement quot;it will have to have a nice clean sound, but be able to get dirty when neededquot; is either unintentionally vague or indicative of a lack of clarity about the tones you seek.
What is your idea of a quot;nice clean soundquot;? Are you looking for sparkle or just loads of headroom? Do you like your cleans pristine or with a little bit of dirt? Is your idea of good cleans more like a Jazz Chorus, Fender Twin, or Vox AC30? Even if you don't know the amp whose cleans you seek, can you give some reference tones (e.g., SRV, Mark Knopfler, etc)? What is your idea of quot;dirtyquot;? ZZ Top? Queen? Van Halen? Metallica?
I'm not trying to be a jerk but if you're going to drop significant coin on an amp, it's best if you can articulate what you're looking for sooner rather than later.

Ok. lets clarify. Price range is not important as long as we keep in under $2,000. I really didn't specify because I'll make up my mind on what to spend when I find what I want to buy.

2 X 12 because it is what I am used to playing. Perhaps I won't need it with a good tube amp. From what I understand they are louder than solid state, which is what I am currently using. I do need to keep up with the drummer, and know I can add an extention if I need more than 2 X 12.

I love the SRV sound, Slash sound obviously, these would be about as clean as I would need as for the dirt, perhaps Metallica or Pantera would be the extreme side of dirt for me.

Did not mean to be so quot;vaguequot; as you put it. I simply want some ideas for amps that I may not have thought to check out yet. Just by searching on the forum I came across the Celtic amps and was thinking about checking them out. I cannot easily play one of these, or read any reviews other than those on the site or here. But it won't change the fact that these seem like some killer amps.

I cannot believe that no one on this forum has any suggestions. Am I still being too vague?

Look for one of the old late 70's JMP series MV combos. Look for a 50w.

I'm just a JMP MV dork. Sorry.

But they're great amps!

One thing you didn't mention was whether you needed reverb.Rivera Fandango or Knucklehead (though most Riveras might be of interest to you)
Bogner Shiva
Peavey JSX
Mesa F-30 or F-50
Originally Posted by blindedbysilenceI cannot believe that no one on this forum has any suggestions. Am I still being too vague?

Not really, but you are tying everyone in to a 2x12 combo. Not everything is made into a 2x12 combo footprint. Aleclee was correct, they are usually really heavy. Most players will prefer a head and a 2x12 cab to a 2x12 combo. If you purchased say a 2x12 cab, with V30's, for example, you could try many different heads until you found the one you want.

Aleclee was also 100% correct by the misconceptions. You will get some bias from forums that you may not have had if you trusted your own ears. In the end it is only your ears that matter.

Include artists or songs as examples, that helps people form an opinion.

Lets start this by asking 2 questions:

1. What quality of clean do you want?

2. How much distortion and what type of distortion?

You gotta test drive though. It is just the best way. Then, once you test drive, forget about it and test drive it again a week later. That will tell you if you really like it.

I have never really used reverb much, so it is not so important. The 2 X 12 is not as important as I seem to be giving the impression of. Distortion would be something in the vein of Walk, clean would be the clean parts of November Rain. Does this help a little more?

Genz Benz El Diablo 60 into a GB 2x12 or 60C.

Bassman reissue with a pedal or 2.

Twin with a pedal or 2.

Marshall TSL 60 or 100.

Mesa Boogie 50 Caliber Plus

Bogner Shiva is my favorite pick for ease of use, versatility and tone.

The Lone Star is too fendery (is that a word?) on the distortion side.
Rivera Knuckleheads are great, esp the older ones! They have an amazing clean and nice grit on ch2.
If you want vox-y - consider the Budda 2x12 Super Drive 30.

Wow, 2 Large gets you a wide schmear of choices... now that you are locked and loaded, Alex is right. Go find a good music store and play all you can find.

If you dig the JTM45 / Plexi tone, I can build you a 2x12 (Bluesbreaker style) that will knock your richard in the dirt. It's got a nice Fenderish clean thing working and a nasty marshall grind when you crank it. With KT66 tubes, it'll do both SRV and Slash. You might have to crank the mids a bit for Slash, but that's what the control is for.

On with other manufacturers... a Rivera willl give you both Fender and Marhall tones in one amp, plus a boost feature (on footswitch) for both channels. Great bang for the buck. Don't let the circuit boards inside mess with you as they are thick and sturdy and well laid out.

Originally Posted by Scott_FI can build you a 2x12 (Bluesbreaker style) that will knock your richard in the dirt.

Hey! You talking 'bout me?

I recommend a good clean amp Laney VC-30 are cheap and good and u can use a good drive pedal to get dirty (see link in my signature brian makes great custom stompboxes really cheap)

could do a head and cab too
thsu solving the 2x12 problem

i'd try the traynors
any rivera you could find
the new crates are pretty nice
a used mesa dc-5
or the new f-series
try the lonestar
but don't rule anything out

and yes, Pureoldsound does his homework - he swapped out what seemed like 20 pickups before deciding on the set for his upcomming guitar

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