What dbl. neck guitar is the best quality or best value for money, in your opinion?
I think Jackson's double necks are probably some of the best made in the world, although Ibanez made a model about 25 years ago that would rival them. Personally, I like the look of an ES1275, but the earlier ones are better made than now, I think.
My EDS-1275 is from '85 and most certainly nice, but I had originally set out to find one of the '70s Ibanez copies that Hellion referred to. Much to my dismay, one of my co-workers found one in pretty decent shape a week after I got mine, and the necks on these old Ibanez's are much more to my liking. (not real surprising, since I grew up on old Ibanez necks and is mostly what i play.)
Can't say I've had the opportunity to try a Jackson....but would love to!
The only drawback to the Gibson and the Ibanez copies is they are only 20 fret and you can honestly only get to 18 without quot;contortingquot; your hand...
my .02
Jeff Seal
Alphine white EDS-1275 !!
I've never played it but Schecter makes an import model double neck that is quite affordable. I think both necks are 6 string though.
OLP has one as well. 6/12.
itd definately be the papadum custom with soapbar curry pickups.
as far as looks go... the double rhoads with a siamese headstock
double rhoads? that i've got to see!
Originally Posted by nahfutendouble rhoads? that i've got to see!
was trying to pull out a pic, but the jacky database is down for maintenance.. i hope they''re going to update the damn page already
the PRS double dragon is pretty sick!
Double Neck 6/10 Bich...
this is the double rhoads in the making... not a siamese headstock, but you get the picture =)
^ 6/10? I count 6 tuners on the bottom, and 12 on the top.
Originally Posted by h8red442whoops...
lol, it's a 24 string bich
Originally Posted by Davey
this is the double rhoads in the making... not a siamese headstock, but you get the picture =)
For a second there i thought you were making that guitar Davey..... i see in the quote it's from Jackson.com...... I have rough cut 2 strat double neck bodies modeled after the Warmoth ones..... one is Mahogany and the other is Basswood....
Originally Posted by h8red442whoops...
It's cool, just making sure I wasn't losing my mind
Originally Posted by WhoFanFor a second there i thought you were making that guitar Davey..... i see in the quote it's from Jackson.com...... I have rough cut 2 strat double neck bodies modeled after the Warmoth ones..... one is Mahogany and the other is Basswood....
no.. i'm not making that one... the cost is insane on it. lol .. i am however getting a dif rhoads built.. and i'm just about to call the luthier
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Your Favourite Doubleneck Guitar