Hey guys, I'm in the planning stages of building a 6 string Warmoth Baritone guitar as a companion for my ESP 7 stringer. The body will be swamp ash, and then neck is more than likely gonna be maple with an ebony board. The baritone necks from Warmoth are 28 5/8quot; scale length so I'm not too sure what to expect as far as not clarity and frequency response goes. I'd like to get some pu's that can compete with the Invader in my 7 string, but the longer scale will more than likely bring out some huge bass response so I'm considering other choices. I play what could be considered metal with elements of thrash, death, and maybe even hardcore as far as tone goes. From the bridge I need something high output that is thick, fairly easy on the highs, and still has cut to dish out. For the neck slot, I'd like something articulate, and good with gainy leads. I'm not too worried about a pristine clean sound seeing as I set up for a clean sound that's more on the edge of clean to begin with anyways.

I'm not limiting my search to just Duncans, I want to hear all suggestions for buckers in bridge and neck positions. Except for anything active, I don't like their dynamics.

My current thoughts are gravitating towards an Anderson H3/Super 3 for the bridge and a Full Shred/Paf Pro for the neck

I think that a Tone Zone could be able to do your trick. It may be muddy in some guitars, but I'd think that with yours, especially with a longer scale, it will be clear. Of course it's a matter of personal taste. The TZ has a vocal-style cut with it present at all times, so it's quite a love/hate pickup. I find it really thick and nicely middy in my SG, and quite tight enough. Other than the cut it's quite versatile too, I use it to play more classic rock as well. All IMO, naturally. I use a PAF Pro in the neck with it, but you may find some better ones. It has really nice mids for leads, but I'd like a bit more highs to it. It may just be that I'm not that much of a neck hum guy, though. I can record some clips if you'd like, just tell me what you'd like. But, my Gibson is quite a different guitar than what yours will be.

morning bump

Well, the longer the scale length the quot;twangierquot; and tigther the sound. To me, a longer scale feels and sounds a bit like heavier strings, if you get my point.

About actives; have you tried the Mastertone SPA's? A friend has one in his LP, and what a tone! Extreme clarity, sensitivity and dynamics, blistering harmonics and a tigth bottom end. Not as sterile as EMG's, more quot;naturalquot; sounding, and also they have one hell of a output; 4000 mV!!

I don't want anything that will give me too much output, the EMG's I had in an old guitar just turned my rig to mush. I even ran the gain on 4 on my amp to compensate.

night time bump

Custom for 7 string and Jazz. the bridge unit wil have plenty of low end chunk, midrange grind, and while the highs won't be rolled back, they aren't abrasive at all.

I'm not lookin for 7 string pickups benjy, I'm lookin for 6 string pu's for a baritone 6 string.

distortion bridge and breed neck

morning bump

anderson h3 is your answer.powerfull like a tonezone,clear like any emg,but doesnt turn into mush.
does have its flaws.pintch harmonics dont come easy if compared to a JB.sounds darker,clean sucks(to me).enen thow it doesn´t distort,the clean lacks life,could be the washburn.has an emg 81 sterile quality clean.get it?
because of the so even response on all the strings,when you hit an open E cord it seems like the most balanced thing ever.the jb is the oposite....just jumps at you.
drop D is better on the h3 ....way better.
love em both to death

Originally Posted by SwedeNuckI'm not lookin for 7 string pickups benjy, I'm lookin for 6 string pu's for a baritone 6 string.Sorry, had a brain fart.
I still stand by the Custom/Jazz combo. Very versatile combo, able to go from squeaky clean to mondo-distorto with the right amp set up and sound great at any given point between the two sonic extremes.

from what it sounds like you need, i am going to say Custom for the bridge and Distortion for the neck

Thanks for the feedback boys, it's between the custom and Anderson H3 right now. I got a lead on a cheap strat body that would take the warmoth baritone neck really well so I'll have to see what kinda route it has. The pickguard is fully wired with an h-s-s config, so I may just have to go with some sings in there, actually would sound pretty sweet I think. I'm thinkin of throwin the Dimarzio VV solo I have in the neck slot and gettin like a vintage rails for the mid.

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