Now I know this may seem like a silly post but I'm curious as to what you all have to say (even though I sort of know the answer). PLEASE post a reason, preferably things about the pickups' tone and EQ and harmonics... how easy is it to get harmonics to come out of both of these?
well i opt for the 81. I like it own my B.C Rich Stealth and it's one killer pickup for high-gain leads. i admit that i don't have to much experience with the Jb but the 81 rocks.
I've never owned a guitar with an 81, but I've owned a couple JB's. Both pick-ups are very good, I will go with the 81 for easier harmonics and higher output.
The JB for 80's metal, the 81 for newer quot;hardcorequot; Slipknot metal....
Rock On
I prefer the JB, I find EMG's aren't really that hot, and I like my pickups to have a bit more output than the average bear.
I didn't vote, as each is better for different applications. For balls out metal, the 81 owns most everything out there. For everything else, it gets a little trickier. Running an 81 at 18v really opens it up, though.
The 81 has a lot more output than the JB, definitely much hotter. The harmonics are kind of a tie, as I can get either to squeal all I want, but the technique is different.
I have both. the JB in my LP and the '81 in my Gibson V.
I really love the both for leads. I thikn that they are somewhat similar when it comes to cutting through at band rehearsal. The '81 doesn't get much credit for its versatility because I think it sounds great playing dirty 'Blues' licks. There's something about the sound my V gets witht he emg in it that I like.
But the JB is my fav pickup because instantly after installing it in my LP, and playing it through a marshall stack, I understood where all those great hard rock tones found on my favorite records came from.
I think that the 81/85 set gets misrepresented because of Zack's name that instantly associated with them. People think that they are strictly metal pickups but they aren't really. Its like Jeff Beck record 'blow by blow' being associated with the JB PuP.
Both are nice PuPs but personally, I prefer the JB!
Both are great pickups, but I prefer the 81.....I prefer it because it's more percussive and more aggressive than the JB, and I just like the sound of it more.
I go back and forth on which one I like better... Both have excellent qualities...
emg 85 is way, WAY better than the 81. Trust me.
Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3I find EMG's aren't really that hot, and I like my pickups to have a bit more output than the average bear.
I felt the same way
Everyone says the EMG 81 is hotter than the JB and it's so easy to get pinch harmonics blah blah blah.... I'm not exactly sure though; it IS easy enough to get harmonics and I can hear the overtones when I play through heavy distortion but it doesn't have all that much definition... could be because of the Metal Zone.
When I was playing a Jackson Rhoads at a guitar store, the JB was screaming and the overtones were amazing.. it might have had something to do with the Alder body and the Roland Cube 60 too. The 81's cleans aren't great either... they're lifeless. And it doesn't do well for me, for any other style than those PUMPED with distortion. Supposedly the JB has lots of clarity under gain and is very versatile. Rumour is the cleans are great. Opinions?
Originally Posted by Metalman_666Opinions?
1) A Metal Zone is capable of making anything sound like ass.
2) If you're going to compare pickups and you want to give an honest comparison, you should do the comparison through similar rigs. It wouldn't be very honest of me to say that a PRS McCarty sounded worse than a MIM Strat if I tested the PRS though a dimed 10w Marshall MG, and the MIM Strat through a dimed Plexi, now would it?I don't think most people will argue that the 81's cleans aret that great....but if you're buying an 81, you're probably not looking for great cleans. They are capable of cleans if you roll off the volume, but it's a really clinical clean without much character.
I found the JB was great under gain, but when it comes to clarity under high gain not much beats the 81.
As for the JBs cleans....I didn't like them. But in all fareness, I don't like bridge pickup cleans in general...that's what the neck pickup's for (IMO), and that's why I have an EMG 60 in there.
ScreamingDaisy, everything you said is true lol I will not argue with you. The Metal Zone however is all this poor teen can afford lol and it's much better than my amp's distortion. As for the EMG 60 in the neck, I think I'm finding it a touch bright!
If you spend some time tweaking it, a Metal Zone is pretty good for at home usage. Unfortunately, it cuts through a drummer like a wet paper towel, though
Originally Posted by Metalman_666ScreamingDaisy, everything you said is true lol I will not argue with you. The Metal Zone however is all this poor teen can afford lol and it's much better than my amp's distortion. As for the EMG 60 in the neck, I think I'm finding it a touch bright!
If you're stuck using a Metal Zone, I'd stay away from EMGs....EMGs have a way of exagerating of the main reasons I like them is because they have a really immediate and percussive attack, which is great when paired with a saggy Rectifier, but when used into an extremely tight SS dirt box....well, you already know what that sounds like first hand. You'd be better off with something that's a little less articulate and a little more a JB.
Thanks for the advice screamingdaisy, I was actually thinking about replacing my EMG's with JB/Jazz... but I'll post on that later...
Anything else about 81 vs JB?
Originally Posted by Metalman_666Thanks for the advice screamingdaisy, I was actually thinking about replacing my EMG's with JB/Jazz... but I'll post on that later...
Anything else about 81 vs JB?What EMGs do you want to get rid of? I have a used JB sitting on the shelf if you're interested....and I'm looking for a used 81.
if you sell the EMGs, i'll buy them
Originally Posted by JB_From_HellIf you spend some time tweaking it, a Metal Zone is pretty good for at home usage. Unfortunately, it cuts through a drummer like a wet paper towel, though
That is so true... When I first got it I made the mistake of dialing it in my bedroom and thinking it sounded ok then taking it to practice...Nothing like stomping a pedal and just hearing yourself disappear in the mix...
I haven't been around in a while but my Ibanez SZ is doing just great with those dimarzio airzone in the bridge and virtual paf in the neck,,,
However, I just got a Baritone!! An agile black solid maple with 2 humbuckers and an SC. It came with some no name actives and I want the real thing or some nice high gain passives with loads of harmonic (basically I'm looking for a bit of Pillar or the Chevelle tone
Do you guys think the 81 or 85 would be better in the bridge in drop B tuning?
Any other pickups to recommend me? unfortunately I'l be using a rocktron metal planet stop box (which is actually really good) until I can get a mark iv or something
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:05
EMG 81 vs. JB