I'm in the process of building up my Charvel again after paint and don't know what pickups to use. Dual buckers, alder body, maple neck, rw board, has a floyd. I'm going to pick up a seriously high gain amp after the guitar is built up as well (most likely a XXX) so I need some pretty mellow pickups to not kill the amp with a lot of input. They gotta clean up nicely, too.
I can't really say anything about what I want the sound like, because there's nothing out there I know of that sounds like what I hear in my head. That helps you guys just oh so much Thanks!
Wow that has got to be the toughest question on this board
The best pick ups I've ever tried with high gain heads were the JB annd Jazz, really dude those kill with my ENGL Powerball. It's not a super high output set, and not exactly mellow either. I'd like to call it a versatile set. The JB is the most versatile pup I've ever tried, and if you miss anything in the JB at all the Jazz takes care of that. The Jazz has less output, but is fatter, more responsive, creamy, smooth, and it cleans up excellent as well. The JB is able to do anything I want it to do. So if you've got a sound in your head this set has probably got a very good chance of nailing that tone you're after, it did for me
Alder, maple, rosewood, Floyd? CC Trem and 59N would get my vote.
i was thinkin blues trembucker with a jazz neck
Hmmm that's a toughy Will, if you're gonna go with a tripple X which is kinda a bass heavey amp you may wanna go with something that's fairly crispy with a modest amount of output. A custom would serve you well in the bridge slot, or even a screamin demon if you wanted to get something a little more punchy. As for the neck slot, you really can't go wrong with a jazz, unless you're looking for something a little more mellow in which case I'll give it up to the A2P.
Originally Posted by SwedeNuckHmmm that's a toughy Will, if you're gonna go with a tripple X which is kinda a bass heavey amp you may wanna go with something that's fairly crispy with a modest amount of output. A custom would serve you well in the bridge slot, or even a screamin demon if you wanted to get something a little more punchy. As for the neck slot, you really can't go wrong with a jazz, unless you're looking for something a little more mellow in which case I'll give it up to the A2P.
Well after last night I'm almost tempted to get an Invader and a 5150II :fing25:
I used to have a Demon in this guitar and it was just far too bright for me. I think I'll try the CC (Joneser's suggestion) and go from there.
i'd tell you but i'd get shunned since it's not a duncan lol...
Originally Posted by XSSIVEi'd tell you but i'd get shunned since i'ts not a duncan lol...
I'm open to anything man. Spit it out
well i have been through 6 pickups in the bridge of 2 of my alder/maple strats so the sound will be kinda similar to yours. the best two pickups i've used in them so far...dimarzio breed and super 3. the super 3 is a bit more mid heavy of the two but no where near as mid heavy as the CC. the CC was good and the mids were ok for a bit but i started to get bored with the sound and wanted a bit more thickness and less mid punch so just to spice things up i tried the breed for sh!ts and giggles and damn, that CC won't be going back in now. i feel like a sinner lol.
Originally Posted by XSSIVEwell i have been through 6 pickups in the bridge of 2 of my alder/maple strats so the sound will be kinda similar to yours. the best two pickups i've used in them so far...dimarzio breed and super 3. the super 3 is a bit more mid heavy of the two but no where near as mid heavy as the CC. the CC was good and the mids were ok for a bit but i started to get bored with the sound and wanted a bit more thickness and less mid punch so just to spice things up i tried the breed for sh!ts and giggles and damn, that CC won't be going back in now. i feel like a sinner lol.
hot damn, the breed was the first pickup that was ever recommended for me... four years ago maybe it's the one I need to try, lol.
I was hesitant at first to mention any Dimarzios but since they're coming out now I might as well give er. They do seem to sit much better in bright guitars, they have a naturally middy edge to them that tames a natural brightness. Out of their catologue I'd give the breed a run, a Norton, or even an Air Zone, that'll fatten things up quite a bit. As for the neck slot Air Nortons are amazing there(just listen to some John Petrucci for that) PAF's are good stuff, if you're looking for a little more power than that look at the PAF pro, and PAF joe.Also the Invader has a great deal of Clarity to it, even with the massive amounts of gain I use on my 5150II I can hear every note. It may be a good match for you, not overly bright at all.
Originally Posted by SwedeNuckI was hesitant at first to mention any Dimarzios but since they're coming out now I might as well give er. They do seem to sit much better in bright guitars, they have a naturally middy edge to them that tames a natural brightness. Out of their catologue I'd give the breed a run, a Norton, or even an Air Zone, that'll fatten things up quite a bit. As for the neck slot Air Nortons are amazing there(just listen to some John Petrucci for that) PAF's are good stuff, if you're looking for a little more power than that look at the PAF pro, and PAF joe.
Thanks man, I've been told the Breed by a lot of people a couple years ago, but I was young and dumb and it HAD to be a Duncan
Originally Posted by SwedeNuckAlso the Invader has a great deal of Clarity to it, even with the massive amounts of gain I use on my 5150II I can hear every note. It may be a good match for you, not overly bright at all.
I still can't believe that was an Invader at the show. The only time I had a hard time defining what you were playing was in the one song where you just slaughtered the low B with that one riff (I hope you know what I'm talking about) I could see your fingers just flyin'
HAHAHA, amen man. That amp has a massive amount of mids, so all I have to do is give the presence knob a little juice and voila! Cut.
i'll add a 1 to what neeradj said
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:49
For a metal style