So, if SD and co. would send you one free pickup today, what model would it be and what guitar would it go in? What would it be replacing?
I would get a Vintage mini humbucker to put in the neck of my Blueshawk. It would be replacing the stock Blues-90 that was pretty uninspiring.
For me it would be a custom/59 hybrid with an A5 to go in the bridge slot of my Heritage H-150, and I'd take the accompanying pickup and put an A2 in it for the neck.
would try a P90 in my squire strat...
I'de Go with a Dimebucker. And Put it in either My telecaster, or Jazzmaster.
I'd go with something like a JB/C5 hybrid for my Edwards, I guess I'd have to buy the '59/Jazz for the neck spot myself?...
A custom wound Alnico 2 pro single coil
I would like a Blues Saraceno model humbucker. Heard great things about it, but have never been able to try one out. It would go in a Strat.
either an Ant for my LP neck or maybe try out the dimebucker in the bridge. hehe.
I'd like to try a CC in an LP.
a 5-string bass soapbar im getting curious about the basslines range..
i would love an antiquity tapped dog-ear p90 bridge wound hotter.
One of them new Strat Stack Plusses......well, I'd be after two, but, one would do me fine, hehe
Texas Hot Custom Bridge to go with the Texas Hot that I have in the neck. And I would put a base plate in it.
A twangbanger wounded for a tele would be nice
i wouldnt mind having a custom antiquity type pup for that honky duane allman tone
I'd like to try a Custom Custom, simply because I've never tried one and I think I'd like it. It'd be replacing a JB in my Schecter C-1 Plus.
Lil 59 neck black new style (with the cover) with triangle baseplate (if it's possible)
i would have it replace the HR-101 i have in my ESP LTD MV-200 now.
I'd get a Custom Shop EVH, sell it, and use the proceeds to buy a Vintage '54 Lead and a Vintage Mini Hum for my tele!
I voted for Mini Hum though.
Tele antiquity for the tele I'm gonna build.
a distortion trembucker (tb6) for my peavey, it would be replacing the stocker.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:49
If you could get one free...