Im moving into college next weekend and I need an amp to bring to my dorm room and I cant bring my halfstack. Any suggestions on what I should get. I want something that isnt too expensive and has decent cleans and overdrive.
Spider II, Flextone III, DSL401 possibly? PODxt and a computer?
bring the half stack. after trying to switch to a smaller setup myself i found it was easier to make room for the half stack (2 2x12 combos actually) then get a good sound out of a 'practice' amp
mesa/boogie tripple rectifier!!! \m/\m/\m/
but on a more serious note, i would look for a dsl401 on the 'Bay
Find an early edition Vox Valvetronix 1x12, open back. All the amp a dorm room would ever need.
ide get eather a line 6 spider or one of the crate amps. they both have alot of effects and will sound fine at bedroom levels. the crate amps will be the cheapest but still sound fine at bedroom levels and the built in effects will save you from haveing a bunch of pedals and stuff strung out all over
Fender Twin. Great cleans, better OD tones at really low volumes
A champ or a princeton reverb. Silverfaces are fine. THE classic rock recording tone! You'll love it.
Get a Pod and a set of headphones. You can always run the Pod into a stereo or boom box that has an aux input.
those Vox modeler amps sound real nice
i went to school with just a v-amp, but then i found people to play with, so i ended up getting a 1x12 spider II for school purposes. worked out pretty well
Basically . . . what Robert said, except that I was gonna say find a used J-Station. Cool sounds, good headphone drive.
Originally Posted by Scott_FFind an early edition Vox Valvetronix 1x12, open back. All the amp a dorm room would ever need.
Vox owns the bedroom amplifer market.
Vox Valvetronix, Roland Cube, Crate GT, Peavey Classic 20, Traynor YCV20.
If you have more space than the average dorm room, a Line 6 Flextone, DSL 401, Traynor YCV40 or 50, Fender Hotrod...
A DSL401 seems a bit much for a dorm room...
But the VOX Valvetronix 1x12 seems extremely worthy of consideration.
Line6 Guitarport, just run it through your comp and with your 'phones it'll sound impressive, lol. My friend has it and likes it a lot.
Take a look at the Fender G-Dec. It can help you practice on your own, even with head phones or play together with your buddies.
Originally Posted by Scott_FFind an early edition Vox Valvetronix 1x12, open back. All the amp a dorm room would ever need.
A small tube combo would be your best bet. Any of the Fender Juniors, Peavey Classic combos, Marshall JCM 2000, and Crate V series would work. Crate is probably your best bang for your buck.
i wouldent go for a small tube amp, to be honest because i have a 10w tube amp and its loud as **** and it needs some volume before the sound starts getting real nice.
get yourself a Nice Vox Valvetronix, their lovely.
Originally Posted by Quencho092Fender Twin. Great cleans, better OD tones at really low volumes
A champ or a princeton reverb. Silverfaces are fine. THE classic rock recording tone! You'll love it.
I was going to say a Deluxe. They're about 500 on eBay and are awesome amps but no built in OD channel.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:49
Amp for dorm room.