
I need to find a small mixer for live work.

I want to run my guitar, mic, and a mp3 player (for playing my loops and samples) all into my own mixer so I can control all of my sound leves on the fly myself.

From the mixer it will go to the house pa.

So I need something with about 4 channels and at least 2 of those need to be xrl inputs. Effects are an added bonus but are not needed.

And I would like to keep it under $100.

Quick question. when I run my guitar to the computer I needed to use a DI box so it would not hum. Will I need to do the same thing here? Also will there be anynoise issues running my mixer in to the house pa?


100 bucks for an ok small mixer?

If I were you, i'd get the smallest Mackie VLZ and call it a day. I have two mackie mixers that have been ALL OVER THE PLACE in South Florida (insane heat and humidity)for years and run like new.

Go ahead and buy a cheap mixer, but if you want it to sound great and last a lifetime, get the mackie.

Originally Posted by Quencho092100 bucks for an ok small mixer?

If I were you, i'd get the smallest Mackie VLZ and call it a day. I have two mackie mixers that have been ALL OVER THE PLACE in South Florida (insane heat and humidity)for years and run like new.

Go ahead and buy a cheap mixer, but if you want it to sound great and last a lifetime, get the mackie.

it just needs to control my volume levels as i dont really play out that much and it could just end up being one show too. if i need it ill up grade. i thought about those but i dont want to invest in somthing big and it never get used.

thanks for the suggestion

Behringers would be good for what you're doing, and are right in your price range.

The new Peavey mixers seem to be nice for the money. I've only messed with them in the store though. The bottom two models are in that range. One just below, and one just above $100.

The Yamaha MG10 looks like it might fit the bill also.

In the used dept. - old Teac/Tascam 2's and 2A's were nice little mixers for the money. Any one of those would probably need a good quot;going overquot; with Deoxit, though. Nice solid units however.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Behringers would be good for what you're doing, and are right in your price range.


I second the Behringer thought bro got one and I do for quite a problems so far but the Yamaha one looks good too.

Do you have a sound man at your gigs? If so, have you talked to him about your plan?

Originally Posted by alecleeDo you have a sound man at your gigs? If so, have you talked to him about your plan?

no i dont have a sound man. ill give those mixers a look.


A quick 2-cents on Behringers:

They're better than nothing. If you gotta stay on a real tight budget, the one they sell for $35 is quot;usablequot;. If you can afford a couple sheckles more . . . I'd step up to the Peavey or the Yamaha.

One word of caution about Behringer. If they go wrong, you won't be able to get replacement parts.

You do need a DI box to go into the mixer with your guitar.

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