
Hi all
Help needed to choose humbuckers. I've got a les paul but years ago took some (I think) duff advice and had them waxed to cut some feeedback. Wish I hadn't, the brightness and harmonics disappeared. Since them and back to using the guitar and am trying to restore its vital juices. I've looked into the possibilty of reversing the process but everyone says 'don't go there' so it looks like plug-in replacements are the solution.
The SH-1 59 model is an obvious choice except that I'm a bit conditioned against potted pick ups these days so maybe the seth lover pup is the one. Then again one of each - seth lover at the bridge with the 59 at the neck?
The pearly gates sounds great as well, or maybe the SH-4 jb - jeez how to decide? Maybe a clumsy attempt to describe the sound I like would help.......

The LP is a 57 and I love those rich blues tones. but I also like super alive harmonic overtones so that when soloing you can almost squeeze the note out - if you know what I mean!. I like guitars that kkrangggg and sound alive.

All suggestions gratefully received.
John g

If you prefer an un-potted pickup then the Seth's or Antiquities are the obvious choice.

You could also most likely order a quot;59quot; or Jazz unpotted for the neck or even a JB for the bridge but I think you might possibly run into some feedback issues with the higher output JB if you went un-potted.

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