Hey Everyone,
I'm new in this forum, been a member of MX's guitar forum for over a year now though. Been browsing around here for a few days, and figured i could further my knowledge on pickups immensely by hanging around you people. The main reason, however, that i came here is that on MX we're divided on an issue about pickup covers. The issue is whether or not the presence of a pickup cover slighty reduces the amount of output by the pickup. Even though the effect may be miniscule is it there? Or do covers not affect the tone of the pickup AT ALL. If someone could clarify that, that would be great. Another question (sorry about the length of this post) The reason this debate on MX occurred was because i was planning on swapping out the pickups in my Epiphone Elitist Les Paul Standard Plus for a set of SD's. The debate came out of this discussion and i havn't had any good opinions on what i should put in my guitar (and whether or not to have covers). I play hard rock music, heavy distortion, big bottom end, yet i still want a pickup that maintains clarity and tightness on the low chords (think Sum 41 - Chuck). What do you guys think would be the best combination for my les paul. Thanx for reading this long post, and thank you in advance for any replies.
Hi, and welcome!
A pickup without a cover can be raised closer to the strings compared to a pickup with a cover. That's why people say that open coil pickups are higher in output.
If a covered pickup isn't wax potted, then vibrations created by the air pocket between the coils and the cover do change the sound. The seth lover and antiquity models are examples of this. I could talk about them, but I'd only be repeating to you what I've been told myself. I've never heard them in person, unfortunately!
Whenever I heard bands like Sum41, I always think of Jawbreaker's 4th album quot;Dear Youquot;. If you don't like the Gibson 498, and the bridge pickup in the Elite/Elitist Epiphones is a 498 replica, then I'd suggest looking at a JB or Custom 5. I like the tones I've created with the Custom 5 more than all the JB clips I've heard. The JB makes a Les Paul sound too much like a strat or telecaster to my ears, it's just overly bright. The Custom 5 though has more of a Gibson flavour to it, and should be great if your Epiphone has a mahogany neck and body. For Epiphones with a maple neck and alder body, I think the Custom Custom would be a better fit.
I'm not big on Gibson pickups to begin with, let alone the fact that Epiphone sticks quot;replicasquot; is their guitars. My LP has a mahogany neck and body with a flame maple top. Interesting what you said about the JB being very bright. I've never had the priveledge of playing one myself, but everyone says it is a very well balanced pickup. So far it has been the leading contender for my bridge position, mainly for the fact it can come with a cover as well (i kinda like that classy look). But tonal quality is more important than looks, and i'm thinking that having open coils is what i'm gonna do, which brings a much broader spectrum of pickups to look at. I will check out the Custom Custom, but what do you think about the Distortion, just thought i'd throw that in there. Thanks for the reply
i forgot to finish my sentence about the JB being bright. I'm looking for deep, warm ballsy tone that has a huge bottom end, but still has the ability not to sound too harsh on the leads, nice full sound.
Originally Posted by flipsidei forgot to finish my sentence about the JB being bright. I'm looking for deep, warm ballsy tone that has a huge bottom end, but still has the ability not to sound too harsh on the leads, nice full sound.
The godin lg has a custom 5 in the bridge, and it's exactly that! To my ears, anyway.:-D
If the duncan distortion is anything like my dimarzio superdistortion, you might find that it's too metal. Not warm enough.
Check out this thread:
from : localhost//forum/s...ad.php?t=34617
thanx guys that was helpfull, anybody else have any opinions
Pickup covers do change the tone of a pickup. Although the change is very tiny. Some people hear it. Others don't noitce a diffence at all. Its really a matter of how tuned (for lack of a better word) your ears are to different frequencys. I personally always prefer the sound of a neck Pickup with a cover. But I also Always Put the covers on myself, and always Pot the pickups myself. And I really do believe theres a massive difference between quot;vacume pottingquot; a pickup and Just useing the hot melted wax method. But again thats a personal preference.
I would suggest before even changeing pickups, Simply removeing the covers from the ones you currently have on the guitar. You might like them without the covers, Ya might not hear any difference. theres really only one way to tell. And remember that when removeing the wax on the pickups after takeing the covers off. Its best to use a Hair dryer on the high heat setting to simply melt the wax off. Rather than trying to scrape the wax off (I did that once when i was younger and totally gouged the coils on my pickup and ruined it.)
If Ya still don't like the Tone of yer pickups. I would suggest a 59' neck, and A Jb Bridge (its a good starting point). But Remember that if ya use a Jb you HAVE TO Change the Volume Pot to 250k. Otherwise the pickup will sound overly Bright and you will almost deffinately hate it.
IF ya don't like those pickups duncan always has the 21 day exchange policy. So you can always try em out fer a few weeks and decide weather you like them.
I also Recommend Buying them Uncovered, and installing them that way first. If after that you don't dig em, then Purchuse covers and Put them on your self (and pot them yourself). And See weather you like them that way.
I know this seems like alotta work, But there really isn't quot;to much workquot; when it comes to getting great tone. At least thats how I feel anyways.
If you need ta read good instructions on Potting pickups youself go to from : localhost/and read the artical on there about potting your own pickups. Its truely the most indepth (and acurate) artical I've read on the subject.
So Good luck. And Hope this helped sumwhat.
The overall output isn't affected but there is a very slight treble loss, noticeable only if you have a dark-sounding guitar and rig and you're fighting for every milligram of treble you can squeeze out of it. If your rig (guitar amp pedals) has plenty of top end, then this won't be an issue for you.
I would recommend a Custom Custom for a deep/wide/warm tone in the bridge, a Seth Lover or Alnico 2 Pro in the neck.
Thanx Low fidelity, that was really helpfull, i'm seriously considering doing that. But I was always under the impression you had to buy the pickups with the cover on them. I guess i know better now, but where can i get those covers. I've looked on musiciansfriend and can't find anything like that. I suppose i could use the covers i have on my stock epi pups. I'm assuming a cover is a cover, meaning tone isn't affected from company to company. I am a tone whore and i know exactly what i want for tone, but not sure which pickup to get. I like the tone description of the Custom 5, but i like the fact that the Duncan Custom has more output.
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Greetings! And a question