
I bought a hotrail for the bridge and a jb jr for the neck. i have seen the illustration on from : localhost//website...tone_5way.html

the illustration of the 5 lever swtich does not do justice of what it really looks like. Can anyone help simplify this install for me or maybe does anyone know any links that can help?

Hey man, I bought a cool rail for my squire strat bridge and I wired it just like the pic on the internet showed for the 5 way switch just look at where you take the original one off of. I believe it is on the far right. So put the red and white together, green and the tiny uninsulated wire to the bottom of the tone pot and black to the 5 way. I believe it is on the far right depending on how you are looking at it.

Originally Posted by markherm13the illustration of the 5 lever swtich does not do justice of what it really looks like. Can anyone help simplify this install for me or maybe does anyone know any links that can help?

Did your squire come with a sealed plastic switch? You have two choices- either replace the plastic switch with a standard 5 way switch (that looks just like the illustration) or figure out how your switch is wired up and quot;translatequot; the SD drawing.

If you are just replacing the two pickups (and not doing any fancy wiring tricks) you should be able to swap out one pickup at a time, replacing the hot lead on the 5 way switch with the black lead from the SD pickup. If you end up with the middle pickup out of phase with the other two pickups, you will need to reverse the black and green wires on the SD pickups.

For what its worth, the cheap-ish Strat in my sig came with one of those equally cheap import 5-ways. I replaced it with a genuine Fender 5-way, and the improvement in quot;feelquot; was worth the cost.

It no longer feels like I'm going to break the handle off when I switch it now.

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