Whenever I have any questions about guitar, I always come to this forum first. Everyone has been really helpful and I wouldn't have my current set up if it weren't for all the tips. So I wanted to show you guys the monster you helped create
Main amp:
1982 Marshall JCM 800 2203 with Ralph Wiggum action figure on top! Yeah, I know you're jealous of the action figure
Marshall 1960A with 2 Vintage 30s and 2 Hellatone 30s
THD 16 Ohm Hot Plate
Second amp:
Some amp I found in my garage made by a company called Grommes. The amp is from the early sixties I believe. Since it was never used, all the tubes worked perfectly. Soon after I found this one, I found a second identical one.
Main guitar:
Gibson Flying V with Duncan Distortion in the bridge
Backup guitar:
Epiphone Les Paul with Duncan JB in the bridge
Acoustic guitar:
Ibanez PF
Pedal Board:
Ibanez DE-7 Delay
MXR ZW-44 Overdrive
Boss NS-2 Noise Gate
Digitech WH-1 Whammy
Dunlop 95Q Wah
Boss BR-864 8-track connected to a Shure SM-57, shotglasses full of picks , and Honeytone amp
Drawer full of pedals like the Tonebone, Boss OD-20, etc, etc.
Drawer full of random crapOnce again, thanks for all your help!
Cool gear man, awesome guitar strap on the V!
You've got some really nice gear there Lit!
cool stuff man! thanks for posting them!
Dude! That totally rules!
Man, a Ralph Wiggum action figure! W00t!
Seriously though, that is a cool Ralph Wiggum figurine.
And the JCM 800 looks pretty styley too- the one above the other input jacks- nice score!
Beautiful set-up man,congrats!!
I love the finish on the epi les paul.
How's the zakk wylde overdrive sound?i've been thinking about one fro a while.
Awesome collection man. Thanks for sharing. That really got the GAS and AFAS (Action Figure Acquisition Syndrome) stirred up!
Have you done any mods on the 800, or is it still stock?
I love the JCM 800 Ralph Wiggum half stack! quot;That's where I saw the leprechaun. He tells me to burn things.quot;
And I see you're a Rangers fan ... I'm so sorry
How's the zakk wylde overdrive sound?i've been thinking about one fro a while.
The Zakk overdrive is really really good. Gives a little more thickness and gain than the SD-1. I haven't experienced it yet, but Ive heard that a lot of people have had problems with the footswitch going out on them.
Have you done any mods on the 800, or is it still stock?
100% stock. There's nothing I can't do with this amp and an overdrive in front. For a while, I was considering modding it, mainly out of curiousity. However, I didn't see the need to change what wasn't broken. If I ever need to change the sound, I can always resort to putting an EQ after the overdrive. Also, I like being able to go from a slight crunch to high gain with the push of a button. I know a lot of mods are only one channel, which means high gain all the time.
And I see you're a Rangers fan ... I'm so sorry
Thank you for your sympathy lol. I really wish there would have been a hockey season, I was really looking forward to seeing some games, whether my team was going to win or lose (most likely lose though).
And finally quot;My cat's breath smells like cat food.quot;
I dig that V !
I especially like the WH-1 and the JCM800 2203, man I'd love to get a 2204 or 2203 but I'm putting all my cash into a a pedal collection. PM me if you ever decide to sell the whammy
Sincerily i like the whole rig, even the drawers... great setup. CONGRATS!
How does the epi sounds? i was about to buy one exactly like yours, but now i´m for a Variax and a Pod Xt Live, and does your Wah pedal has something that returns the pedal to the first position ?
and then the doctor told me i didn't have worms anymore, and that was the bestest day in my life.
I bet dat sounds GOOOOD.
frmo the tomacco episode:
quot;these taste like grandma's feet. i want morequot;
nice setup btw. i like how u seem to have everything in one room. jcm800, cable box, ps2, and im guessin a tv is in there somwhere lol. awesome. you never have to leave except for food. and maybe the bathroom. oh and of course to come onthe forum.
a Lit fan huh...i just found out the other day that the guitarist from Lit uses my same marshall 1979 JMP 50w (used it live and on a place in the sun from what i read) with a boss sd-1 in front of it and a tele with a duncan PATB in it. i never knew that until i stumbled across it the other day...i was amazed. anyway, enough babble...cool setup and man i'd love to try that WH-1 next to my new whammy to see how different they sound.
awesome gear...you should consider selling some of the pedals and crap and doing something with the money. Probably at least 500$ in the pedal drawer
I especially like the WH-1 and the JCM800 2203, man I'd love to get a 2204 or 2203 but I'm putting all my cash into a a pedal collection.
Pedals can often lose their appeal quickly. I say go for the Marshall, you won't be disappointed.
Sincerily i like the whole rig, even the drawers... great setup. CONGRATS!
How does the epi sounds? i was about to buy one exactly like yours, but now i´m for a Variax and a Pod Xt Live, and does your Wah pedal has something that returns the pedal to the first position ?
The Epiphone is awesome, I would never sell it. Definitely recommend it. I changed the tuners and the bridge pickup and that was it.
The wah doesn't have a button. When you push down on it, and release, it automitcally goes back to the top. You can't do the ****ed-wah thing ala Michael Schenker, but I really don't need that.
you should consider selling some of the pedals and crap and doing something with the money. Probably at least 500$ in the pedal drawer
I would love to, there's so much stuff, I've just been lazy so far. I guess I'll list what I have and see if anyone wants it.
i like how u seem to have everything in one room. jcm800, cable box, ps2, and im guessin a tv is in there somwhere lol. awesome. you never have to leave except for food. and maybe the bathroom. oh and of course to come onthe forum.
I think every guy's dream is to have everything set up in one room so he never has to leave. I hope to achieve that dream one day.
And lastly...quot;The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose bleeds if I kept my finger outta there.quot;
By the way, here's some of the stuff I would sell. A few things I am hesitant to let go of, but let me know your offer and I'll think it over.
Tonebone Classic
Tonebone Hot British (probably won't sell, it's just too damn good)
MXR Kerry King EQ
Boss GE-7 with Sniper Mod
Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive
MXR Distortion
The Boss pedal board in the pictures.
Maxon ROD-880 - it's is the same thing as a Ibanez Tube King, Maxon used to make Ibanez's old stuff.
Boss DS-1
Digitech Metal Master
I also have a black Epiphone Explorer, 4 Celestion G12T-75 Speakers, and 2 Celestion Vintage 30s.
I decided to add a really quick clip. I did this at 1AM so obviously it couldnt be loud. However, I didnt want to wake anyone up so I rushed it, without a metronome and all the bells and whistles. Gimme some tips on the tone. By the way, I had to lower the bass on the computer because it was a bit overbearing.
from : localhost/us.f2.yahoofs.com/bc/4046213a...nhf1CBXEDMgq66
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Pics of my rig