Hi guys, i am looking for a pickup to balance out the sound of my Les paul copy (solid mahogony set neck and rosewood fretboard) and my bassy sounding amp.
I play mostly metal and i want clarity with a tight low end punchiness for thrash metal palm mutes. I want something that will have little trouble cutting through the mix aswell though.
Any suggestions? thanks
Sounds like a JB would fit the bill.
Gibson Dirty Fingers.
edit: the reason why I say Dirty Fingers is that the Sunn in my gear section below was sold as both a guitar, or bass amp. The D/F in the neck pickup is quot;roundyquot; sounding, but the rear pickup is loud-mouth and brash, and excellently high-power. It chunks and cuts through, while the meat of your picking hand is on top of the palm-muted bridge.
BK Miracle Man or SD Distortion maybe?
Custom, Distortion or JB. I would personall go with the JB.
Custom, or maybe a Dimebucker.
turn up the treble!!
haha, I'm just kidding. (no I'm not)
I have a Carvin Legacy which is a very dark sounding amp. For that marshall type rock/metal sound I find I need to turn the presence and treble up to 8 or higher. Then again this amp has very touchy controls. I believe the pots for the EQ are all 1 meg ohm.
Custom or Distortion! Personally, I'd vote for Distortion.
Tight, punchy, chunky low end. Bright and clear. Aggressive tone, surprisingly nice cleans, great crunchy midrange.
To me, the JB is a little less metal and super hard rock, and more rock. If that makes sense... My humble opinion, YMMV.
Custom. the JB IMHO, isn't tight enough in the bass when used in a mahogany axe. That, and the spike in the high mids just don't jive well to my ears in a LP.
Get a 59 bridge. Everyone always overlooks it, but it has a beautiful voice on clean and highgain, it's got better sustain than almost any other Duncan, and with mahagany and a bass heavy amp, it'll beat most other pickups.
In order of output, the pickups I'd suggest are 59, Screamin Demon, and Custom 5.
Is this a tube amp? A amp tech can do a lot to clean up an overly bassy amp! Changing caps can clean it up for every guitar you play!!!
no its not a tube amp. its currently the roland cube 60.
What about a Jazz set?
Distortion should be perfect, I couldnt IMAGINE putting a JB in an LP, mainly because JB's suck.
Although it would stand out.
i'd say something bright
JB not metal enough? Run that by Mustaine and he'll break your legs.
A duncan Custom Custom is more Eq'd to the mids and trebles.....
How is your amp naturally bassy? Why don;t you just roll of the bass and and some more treble?
Originally Posted by Children of BodomDistortion should be perfect, I couldnt IMAGINE putting a JB in an LP, mainly because JB's suck.
Although it would stand out.
what do you mean by Stand out? as in cut through?
Originally Posted by MintyA duncan Custom Custom is more Eq'd to the mids and trebles.....
How is your amp naturally bassy? Why don;t you just roll of the bass and and some more treble?I mean my amp is quite dark sounding. Its a modelling amp and the high gain models are the peavey 5150 and a rectifier. Both are set to be pretty dark sounding.
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Pickup advice for a Mahogony Les paul played through a quot;Bassyquot; sounding amp!!