I'm looking for a tougher sound out of my guitar. I love the clean sound my soapbox duncans give me.. but I'm looking to switch out one of the pick-ups and replace it with something to give me a better distorted sound.. My friend and fellow band-mate asked which spot I was going to switch it for as well and I didn't have a clue.. should I switch out the top pick-up or the bottom one. I'm guessing the bottom because I play down there more and palm muting is a frequent action.
My local guitar shop guy said if I found the pick-up I wanted, he would order it for me. So I was browsing around and I'd like to stick with brand to match the other pick-up. But, I don't want to have to hack into my guitar and reshape the body at all. I need something that will fit. Thankyou for your help. It is much appreciated.
- botchla
You have quality pickups in there now. What models are in there? This clip from Jolly highlights how hardcore a P-90 can be. from : localhost/www.digitalsoundplanet.com/Vi...hp?eltid=25758
hmm.. well when my friend plugged it into his 100 watt marshall amp his jay turser sounded way more hardcore then my guitar.. I was disapointed with the sound.. I guess it was because we didnt really toggle with the settings but it was just disapointing when it was distorted. Maybe I am just over worrying.. I was just psyched to have two different pick-ups for some reason.. anyway. thanx for your input
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
humbucker for godin LG with SP90s