
I have a peavey classic 50 currently, and im wanting to quot;de-fuzzquot; it.

Give it a little more kick in a marshall direction.Im using a pedal to do that right now, but I despise using pedals.
What would you suggest? New set of EL-84's or a new set of 12ax's? (Im not exactly sure what kind of 12ax that they use in the preamp)

And which tubes would you suggest?(not looking for a metaly gain, looking for a more marshally style)

Think peavey 5150. I just want lots more edge out of it, and more grit instead of fuzz. More agressiveness too if thats even possible by changing tubes.

P.S. Due to budget constraints, I can't afford to completely retube it.

what el84's do you have? if they arent the jj variety (groove tubes sells them as gtel84s), id say replace them.

what preamp tubes are in there now?

I have no idea what brand the things are, but it has 4x EL-84's and 3x 12ax's Im not sure what the exact type of 12ax is, probably a 12ax7. I'm still new to the whole tube thing.

DSS recomended Grove tube's for the poweramp and EH's for the preamp.And will tubes get me in the ballpark, or is it just the amp's wring?

Are you running that amp loud? If you have the master low and the pre dimed for gain it will bge buzzy no matter what you do. I would think about an attenuator so you can run it wide open. Then you will really get to the goods of that amp. If you are gonna mess with tubes start with the pre amp tubes because you can really change the character. In some amps the the EH 12ax7 have a real mid spike that is not desireable and it is a pretty high gain tube. Pull a pre tube and see what is written on it if they are Sovtek 12ax7xt then the buzz is the tube.

Preamp tubes would be a quick amp; cheap fix. Perhaps a lower gain p.a. tube like a 12AY7 might clean things up a bit.

More of a Marshall direction? That's probably gonna be a stretch.
In general, fuzziness is a product of preamp tubes. Based on your description, I'm far from certain that a tube swap will get you the tone you seek but some 9th Generation Chinese tubes would probalby be what I'd suggest.
...but my primary recommendation would be to save the $30-50 you have budgeted for tubes and applying it towards an amp that better meets your needs. In the long run, that would probably be the most effective way to spend that money.

first of all, pull the tubes to see what you have in there now for a point of reference

then I'd suggest that you Ask Myles

if you're on a budget, you'll get the most bang for the buck by changing the first preamp tube. I'd suggest a JJ EC83S for high gain, but the Chinese are good too

if it's a fixed bias amp, then you can replace the power tubes with warmer rated tubes from Eurotubes or some other vendor.

Originally Posted by Curlythen I'd suggest that you Ask Myles

Does he ever suggest tubes that don't have GT on 'em? He hawked his employer's wares pretty heavily when he participated on The Gear Page.

I understand that im not going to get a marshall out of it, but thats not really what im shooting for anyway.

I'd like to trade off fuzz for some edge and grit.

And this is going to be my last amp for a very very long time, I can't afford another amp in my current suitation.And yes, usualy I have the master around 7. (Stupidly loud, if I turn it up any higher, the walls in my house will fall.)

Running max gain on the amp a pedal to kick up a little more gain.

It would be a cheap upgrade to simply buy 1 pre tube as Curly suggested. Get a GT12AX7C or Sovtek 12AX7LPS for the 1st position pre. As far as maximum tone and gain.... Spend some time with the balance between the gain on the amp and the gain on the Jackhammer. Find the sweet spot by backing down the gain on the amp slightly, and dialing pedal to taste.

I think I got it setup pretty good for minimal noise but maximum gain by beating the **** out of the preamp tubes. I'm using the jackhammer at pretty mild gain just to give it a kick and color the tone. On the clean channel it just sounds thicker and bluesier.
But on the lead channel, it de-fuzzes it for the most part, but the amp just doesn't have much edge or grit.

It's still a little fizzy if ya know what I mean.

It's gotta be the preamp tubes.
And I can afford a complete set of preamp tubes, it's only like $30.

Preamp tubes are a cheap way to color your preamp gain. If you want gobs of gain and low noise, try a 9th gen chinese tube. If you want more headroom on the cleans, a little bit of a cleaner signal, try something like a 12AU7 (they don't breakup quite as quickly as 12AX7s) in the 1st position (usually the most effective position).

As Jeremy mentioned, JJ's are IT for modern day EL-84s... I don't think there's anything else that's currently made that can top that brand for EL-84s.

Yea, Im looking for maximum possible gain with lower noise. And How do I tell which ones are 9th gen chinese tubes?

Do a search for 9th Generation Chinese on Ebay. GT12AX7C's are the same thing.
That's what comes in the best high gain amps. Also, consider putting your amp up for sale, and add a few bucks, to get something you really love the sound of.

Leopards don't change their spots. Tube changes are subtle effects on overall amp tone. don't expect too much or you'll be out money on tubes that were never a realistic quot;fixquot; to your problem.

I doubt I'll sell the amp, I got a roller 85' transam is good condition im going to try to sell. The transam should fetch enough to get a 5150.

At least keep the peavey around for my telecaster. :PI was just wanting to know how big of a difference tubes would have, after changing pickups I was suprized as hell and wasn't sure if tubes would be a big change as well.

the difference in sound for tubes isn't so much the actual color of the sound, it's more about how hot you bias 'which' tubes and how they sound cranked. Some tubes are 'harder' than others and don't break up until later, but some are designed with a lower hardness rating and breakup sooner.

A 5751 preamp tube will boost your headroom, as will switching to 'bigger bottle' tubes. Staying within the same model of tubes and cycling between brands is more of a durability and build issue rather than a big tone difference.

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