use a little Gain and some dealy or slap back echo--
and go NUTS!...
I've had Hamels
OC Duff's
I've tried,
Van Zants
John Reynolds..
and My now Own 1950's style winds I make here which my friends feel -- blow all these guys away..
But when its all said and done and that true 50's tone seems to limit my expressivness.. no mater how cool -retro it appears.. its limiting...when all the love of vintage is cast aside and its time to balls out really preform and have endless expression in my hands.. NOTHING beats s BROADCASTER BRIDGE
I am trully an artist in my own rights-- when I'm behind the wheel of these baby's-- I'm in my zone-- I am making quot;My Musicquot; and it pours out of me like a fountain -- totally unlimited and uninhibited -- true natural soul felt expressions in tone and sounds... its a bottomless pit of tone thats connected to my deepest psychic!
Very cool.
How would you compare the 5-2 neck to the alnico II Pro rythm and the Hot rythm pickups for tele? Right now I'm trying out the STR-2 (Hot Rythm) at the neck of my ash tele and it's pretty good, but I'd like a bit more clarity.
we talk about Boutique this and Custom Shop that so much on this forum that it's great to hear someone remind us how good some of Seymour's basic pickups are ...
the SSL-1 is just as great in a strat as the Broadcaster is in a tele
I've often thought the 5-2's were some of the most overlooked single coils out there.
The boutique thing mystifies me at times...I can see it in amps, as alot of modern day amps employ transistors and diodes to aid the distortion...and there's the mojo of having a turretboard or p2p construction.
But pickup technology hasn't really changed since the 50s. It's still just wire wrapped around a bobin with a magnet at the bottom (I know I'm over simplifying it, go easy on me)....but the fact of the matter is that when all is said and done, I think there's a level of diminishing returns on boutique pickups.
You can spend 60-70 bucks for a duncan...or 130 for a WCR. Is doubling the price of a damn good production pickup worth it to get something that may or may not sound a tinge better? It's not like Lollar, Fralin or WCR is doing anything drastically different from what Seymour or Blutcher are doing...
Why didn't you start this topic a little earlier. I've just sent the money to Ron for 2 Hamel bridges!
In my case I loved the JD lead more than the B-caster. (The reason was the unwound strings, but maybe my guitar is a little bright, I dunno) But I think I am not a real tele guy. So guys don't take me for serious.
Now all I have to do is to wait and see how them hamels will make my guitar sing.
I love both the JD and the Broadcaster.
Curly is right-you don't need much more boutiquity than SD-even SSL-1's are going to knock most other strat pups on their cans. The same is true for these two tele pickups.
As I've said before, the JD is the way, the truth and the tone! don't have to spend a fortune on Boutique pickups to get tone that surpasses some Boutique pickups. Some stock pickups sound so good in some stock guitars that they sound better than Boutique pickups would in that same guitar. For example, when I compared my Hamer Monoco with a Seth Lover neck and Custom Custom bridge to several Les Pauls (including one with Burstbuckers and also my own LP with Tom Holmes HB's) the stock Custom Custom in the Monoco blew away the others. Sometimes you get lucky with just the right combination.
I'm thinking out loud here..
If your a Retro Guy.. Ya may need Booteak or a Real 1950's axe...
But then you have locked yourself in that quot;Boxquot;..I got Three Teles that are build to run down Roy Buchanans 1953 Tele quot;Nancyquot;...
But I have very little time behind the wheel of that sound-- the Guys who were Born into that era --They once had many-many years to asorb the specturms.. of that tone and be able to paint endless pictures with it..
They raised the bar night after nignt in clubs-- and they all had vintage gear --thats all there was.. even today whith my Retro friends.. the bar is lower and less is being acomplished as far as pushing each other to new hights like the old days.. what I see and hear in the retro guys is... some sloppyness that was not tollerated back then -- and a lack of melondy lines...etc.. hard to eaxplain -- but they feel they are pushing the envlope and keeping it alive-- to me their not as HUNGRY as the originals nor are they exposed to that competive inviroment like the old days.. so even thought the playing is conserdered some of the best LIVE Playing we have today-- the players themselfs will be the first to admit that they are not what the old guys were at all..
So in that-- I have been asked by a very few if I have Roys Early Tone -- and it sent me on a quest to get it -- I even lucked out and played Roys nancy- see- click Roys Nancy link on the left of the page...
I soon realized That even though having something very close was really cool and retro-- It left me -- with less paint on my pallet -- I was smarter to go back to my Duncans that put me on the map in the first place.. the first Bootleg CD I realeased was with Duncans its what got me a ton of recognition as to being the closest player today playing Roy Buchanan Live and keeping it alive.. Its the more modern Roy-- not the first CD's but his later ones.. quot;Loading Zonequot; quot;A Street Called Straightquot; that was in my sprit/soul trying to vent out all these years.. and the Broadcaster amp; 5/2Tele let it out.. and continues to allow me to let it out and flow and not get stuck in that thing I treid my best to discribe above -- that thing that my Retro pals get stuck in.. -- I'm free to flow-- take it further-- too the moon baby-- the 50's pups will not allow this-- only the SD' it!
Someone tell me more about the 5-2's and what to expect. Sounds like a great experiment but does it come thru?
I love the FENDER CUSTOM SHOPS like the NO CASTERS and the one's I have in my 52 TELE RI. How does it compare to the Alnico Pro 2's? I love those alnico 2 tones!
I've only tried a fraction of Tele pups as you, but I LOVE my Broadcaster! It's my favorite........
A-2 pro is close.. same dc's too..
I'm not sure what the A-5 mags are doing to the wound strings?.. probally helping them to be more clear and bark?
its the lead string tone that's my ticket-- and I have the 1953 Tele Wiring -3-Way- that is, quot;dark Neckquot;/quot;Clean Neckquot;/ quot;Bridgequot;... I then have to use a Push Pull tone pot to turn on my neck pup. and thats a quot;500k P/P Potquot; not a 250k, my Volume is a 250k.. and my dark neck's Resistor is not the factory .1 or .5 standard... its lighter cut--a .013mfd... this way it's just the perfect fatness at the flick of a switch.. (no spinning tone knobs using my ear to find the sweet jazzy spot-- it's there at the flick of the 3-way!) my tone cap is .47... the 500k tone pot helps this guitar cut.. and it helps the 7.84k Broadcaster cut it up like Roy Buchanan's originail 5.9k Bridge pup.
Originally Posted by Rev Donzo
I even lucked out and played Roys nancy- see- click Roys Nancy link on the left of the page...
Cool website, Rev-that must have been a thrill!
I noticed that there are no cracks in the neck pocket on Nancy-was she a real fender???
was she a real fender
she was from another world!
when I played her a big crowd of PEOPLE GATHERED--not because they knew that guitar or because I play good-- BUT because the SOUND was unlike any guitar they had EVER HEARD! people were Drawn to it... This had to have worked in Roys Favor often-- just add his Talent-- and go knock the world a new corn-holieo
Go Figure!
It's nice when you find what works for you. As Lew said, it does not have to be botique to be good. Sometimes it take a bit of experementing and trial and error though to find this out.
It's all about finding what works for you......and that could be a a piece of tinfoil wrapped around fridge magnet, or a $300 set of Hamels.
You are SO right, Donzo. Luke Duke has that exact set in his tele, with an A2 in the Broadcaster. It makes me want a tele every time I hear it. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Best pups! and I've tried even the Booteaks!