
10 he Rack (economy style) w/ plexiglass front door.
Mesa 50:50 Stereo power amp
Mesa V-Twin Rack Preamp
Fender RT-1000 Racktuner (2 mons. Old)
Alesis Microverb III
Art PB4x4 Power conditioner (Brand spanking new, ETA in 2 weeks, will be sent as soon as it arrives)

All rackscrews are Humfrees to avoid ground loops.

All rack equipment is 220-240V / 50 Hz.

Custom built 4x12 cabinet, 35mm Baltic Birch, Ball corners and aluminum profiling, 4x Ruby SP12CEL, total power handlilng 2x160w or 1x 320, usable in 8 ohm mono or 2x16 ohms stereo

2k € plus shipping and it´s outta here... All equip functions fine, I´ll see what I can do about pics these next few days.... WILL entertain offers on single pieces but I´d prefer to either axe the entire rig or none of it

zerb, the mesa v-twin is it the pedal ? the silver looking one with 2 foot switches?

Originally Posted by pac112zerb, the mesa v-twin is it the pedal ? the silver looking one with 2 foot switches?

Mesa V-Twin Rack Preamp

Update... Only the Power amp, Microverb and cabinet are for sale.. all prices are negotiable

750 € Poweramp, recently retubed, tubes have 100 hours of use.

450 € cabinet

50€ Microverb

why are ya droppin all this stuff zerb?

Originally Posted by SwedeNuckwhy are ya droppin all this stuff zerb?Issues with his record... check the off topic room.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Issues with his record... check the off topic room.

Yes and no, it´s actually to raise funds for the record and other things, I may end up selling the entire rig to quot;evenquot; my bank account and then start rebuilding

k, that's what I was thinkin for the most part. Hope everything works out for ya man.

Originally Posted by Zerberus... selling the entire rig ...

even the jacksons???!!!

Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25even the jacksons???!!!Umm... he's probably only selling what's listed .

Originally Posted by FretFireUmm... he's probably only selling what's listed .


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