
Hi. i own a Peavey Banit 112s. i think its from the late 90s. Its got one 12quot; Sheffield speaker and its a solid state amp. My problem is that the amp has no tone at all!!! its sounds so sterile. the only reason i kept it over a line 6 spider 2 and a laney mxd212 was because it was better than both of them at higher volumes.

I need a small 50watt - 150watt amplifier that doesn't cost loads. I think solid state is all i am after for now. an amp with a good onboard distortion would be nice although i do own a boss metal zone pedal.

i just want an amp that sounds better than it should for a cheap price. I play mostly metal but would like a nice clean channel too. I play in a band now and again but never gig.

I am after tone!! the best that cheap solidstate has to offer anyway. thanks

Go to ebay and find one of the old Marshall solid state amps from the 1980s...52xx model series...Master lead 30, etc. Also the old Randall amps from the 80s RG series..

For new, the mf/gc b-52 solid state amps are pretty good.

Peavey Valveking is going for $350 new (tube amp). Vox ADT50 is not bad.

Honestly ..out of the current crop, the Bandit II is one of the better SS amps out there, IMO.

I'd go for a Marshall 5210 if I could find one.

Another one to look for is the Tech 21 60 watt amp. It sounds really good for SS.

Originally Posted by Benjy_26Another one to look for is the Tech 21 60 watt amp. It sounds really good for SS.

Very true, but thought it may be out of his price range Benjy..they go for over 5 bills, and since Rick mentioned inexpensive...I figured about $350 was a good cut-off...but you are exactly right...great sounding amp!

I'd get away from solid state and go tube. Look for a used Sovtek Mig 50 head and a nice 1 x 12 or 2 x 12 bottem. Celestions would be nice! Lew

Mig's, Carvin X110b, Peavey Classic 30, One of the new Peavey amps, Peavey Ultra all may work fro your needs. The Carvin X100b (or the combo version) and Migs are great bargains as I see it.

If you want solid state check out the Roland Cube 60. I think it's one of the best SS amps I've heard and it's only around 350 bucks. Oh, and it's got balls!!!

Randall RG-75G2 maybe? That should be a nice SS Metal amp for the $$$.

If you've got a steady cash flow you could try American Musical and get you something on one of their payment plans. No credit required you just gotta have a checking account. Helps me get a lot of gear being able to break a large payment into 3-5 reasonable ones.

Oh yeah, and they send you the gear after they receive your first payment so there's no waiting to pay in full.

Tech 21 would probaly be your best bet unless, you can get a used tube amp for a good price! BTW, dont settle for any tube amp! Just becasue it is tube, dosent mean its going to sound good IMO!

Originally Posted by JeffBGo to ebay and find one of the old Marshall solid state amps from the 1980s...52xx model series...Master lead 30, etc. Also the old Randall amps from the 80s RG series..

For new, the mf/gc b-52 solid state amps are pretty good.

Peavey Valveking is going for $350 new (tube amp). Vox ADT50 is not bad.

Honestly ..out of the current crop, the Bandit II is one of the better SS amps out there, IMO.

I'd go for a Marshall 5210 if I could find one.

Can't argue with this.

How much tweaking have you done with the Bandit? What guitar are you using? Pickups?

Frankly, LesStrat sounds AWESOME through the Bandit 112. The SD pups seem to match very well with it.

OTOH, my Parker Fly Deluxe does NOT sound as good through it.

Overall, the Bandit is the best bang/buck SS amp IMHO.

The other recommendations for used tube amps are worthy of consideration (e.g., Classic 30). Check out fleabay.

Classic 30 lt;$300; Another; Currently $200.

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