o.k., i am thinking of buying a new standard, if so some stuff has got to go.
2001 Fender Standard MIM Stratocaster. 3-tone sunburst w/rosewood board, has been reliced and has a 50's style pin up graphic professionally applied. brand new set of duncan SSL-6 calibrated set. red M.O.P. pickgaurd. vintage gold trem bridge, gold vintage keys, and all gold hard ware. fender tweed/red velvet hard case. comes with boxes for pups. will try to get some pics up asap.
Dean Cadillac X Series has been modded to one humbucker and single volume. see other post for pics
Crate Excalliber Head sounds awesome with great distortion channel and nice cleans. amp is in close to perfect condition with no rips and no damage.
peavey backstage plus 1x12 combo with reverb. awesome sounding amp. made in U.S.A. in close to mint condition, no rips tears or any other issues of any kind
boss ds-1 distortion
boss md-2 mega distortion
boss hm-3 hyper metal
e-h small clone chorus
dunlop dime cry baby from hell
gonna have a gibson les paul studio lite model and a esp/ltd m-100 custom kamikaze on the market within the next month. i would like to have buyers for the other stuff by then too, i'm tryin to fund a new standard.
Where was that Dime wah when we were talkin?
Originally Posted by kjrocksWhere was that Dime wah when we were talkin?
you never ask
seriously, this is the first time ive considered selling it. i got the gas for a standard.
pm me if your interested
dean is sold, cfh is on hold pending confirmation
would be interested in trading on a ps2 system and games
just let me know
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- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
guitars * pedals * amps