If I want to get the sound of a good old Les Paul---would this be the best choice?---Thanks in advance!---cheers!---JIMO
Hey jimo,
Welcome to the forum!
I have a set of Antiquities in my Honeyburst Les Paul Std. amp; I love 'em. Very vocal, airy amp; open sounding. They really let the characteristics of a Paul shine thru. Check this link out, I think it's pretty dead-on. Page 3 covers the Antiquities.
from : localhost/www.legendarytones.com/humbpus1.htmPeace,
Thanks for info---and the website!--I guess I should replace the pots at the same time with 500k?------thanks again!---JIMO
SD generally recommends 500k pots for Humbuckers although it's your choice.. the higher the value, the brighter the sound
You cant go wrong with the Antiquity's. I love mine thats for shure!
I just replace the pickups in my PRS SE Soapbar with Antiquity Humbuckers and I couldn't be happier. These pickups absolutely nail the vintage humbucking sound.
And in a Les Paul they'll sound even better.
IMHO, the best of the best for pups and welcome to the forum!
Jimo, Tremolo, Welcome to the Forum!
Here is a PAF breakdown I did. If you want a harder hitting bridge I have a write up on the custom series and JB.
Antiquity---A pup that is hand made by Seymour or MJ that has been artificially aged. The magnet has been degaussed and the cover has been distresses along with the screws so as to appear vintage. Everything is done to make these pups as close to an original that you would buy from a collector that was out of a guitar that was played everyday and gigged with. They have complex mids and are smooth. They are available in A2 or A5 magnet varieties. Vintage 2 Conductor Wire
The 59---The 59 is the quintessential A5 PAF (patent applied for) pup. Imagine getting in a time machine and going back to 1959 and swiping a brand new A5 pup from the Gibson factory in Kalamazoo and bringing it forward to today. They have found most homes in many neck slots. It has symetrical coils and lots of quack. It has thumping bass, a scooped mid, and cutting highs. Vintage 2 Conductor Wire
The Seth Lover---This pup is as true to the original as can be. This pup is unpotted and comes standard with a gold, or nickel pup cover. It has an A2 magnet and has good quack and fair mids. For this pup imagine going back in time to 1955 and grabbing one of the very first PAF's before they debuted in the LP's. This pup is warm and creamy, but can also get bright with the tone knob on 10. Vintage 2 Conductor Wire
The Alnico 2 Pro---The warmest of the Duncan PAF line. It has symetrical coils and is a modern take on the A2 PAFs. It has round bass and smooth treble, it also has lots of mids to make the guitar really sing. It will warm up the coldest or shrillest of guitars. The most well known Alnico 2 Pro user is Slash of Velvet Revolver and GNR. Standard 4 Conductor Wire
Pearly Gates---The PG is the hottest of the Duncan PAF line. It has asymetrical (mismatched) coils and an A2 magnet. The mismatched coils give this particular pup its rude personality. It has a frequency push in the Presence/Cut knob frequency band. This is the quot;Sizzlequot; PG owner talk about. It has the most mids of the Ducan PAF line and is also the hottest. Its patron is Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top. Standard 4 conductor Wire
The Jazz---The jazz is the pup that bridges the gap between Vintage and Modern pups. Its output is at or around the vintage level. Don't let the name fool you this pup is very versatile and smooth. It has an A5 magnet and is very widely used in the neck slot. It is articulate regardless of the tuning as well. This pup negociates cleans or overdrive very well. Standard 4 Conductor Wire
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Antiquities for a Les Paul ?