Neal Moser and Moser Custom Shop are being sued by Kustom Musical Amplifications, Inc. (a subsidiary of HHI: Hanser Holdings International, and a corporate affiliate of B.C. Rich Guitars). The suit wrongly claims that neither Moser nor Moser Custom Shop has the right to build guitars involving Moser's own designs, including the Rich Bich, Moser 10, Genesis and Phoenix. The suit also wrongly claims that the “Spawn” amp; “Beastmaster” guitars infringe upon Kustom Musical Amplifications' trademarks. Neal Moser and Moser Custom Shop vigorously dispute the claims made by Kustom Musical Amplifications, and will pursue counterclaims against Kustom for its wrongs against Moser and Moser Custom Shop.
Let me explain: HHI has filed ALL the BC Rich guitar trade marks under Kustom Musical Amplifications, Inc. That's why the suit is coming from Kustom. Kustom and HHI are the same thing.
Basically, HHI bought BC Rich from the Rico family in 2001 and has run the BC Rich custom shop into the ground. They have no idea what BC Rich was about in the 70s amp; 80s and they have trashed any good reputation BC Rich had left.
Also, I am 99.9% sure that Ed Roman is now running the BC Rich custom shop for HHI. Not good. This is more corporate B.S. and I would strongly encourage ANYONE thinking of buying any new BC Rich (USA or import) to think twice about supporting a company like HHI. I sure as Hell won't. RIP BCR, LONG LIVE MCS! You can read more here:
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from : localhost/
thats ****ed up
Damn... looks likeevery guitar company gets bought up and only used for kommerz...
meh, BC's are too pointy for me anyways.
Good thing mine's a 98.
I say we all get together and light our money on fire. That way corporations can't use it to mess stuff up.
I generally agree, but this is still a shame. What's more, it seems on the surface that no matter what person created the designs, if they did it while working for BC Rich, and HHI now owns BC Rich, HHI *does* own those designs.Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25meh, BC's are too pointy for me anyways.
No biggy to me, I haven't played a BC Rich that I would even consider owning in the last 25 years.
i got a USA rich from the 80s. plays pretty well and it was only $300
May end up like Kramer....
Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25meh, BC's are too pointy for me anyways.
That's the general problem with BC Rich....they can't shake the reputation. They got hooked in during the hair-metal days and just can't seem to detach themselves from it.
Even with Kerry King on the roster....
guys in the UK have little to no experience of any Kustom stuff apart from diddy little pratice amps anyway...
still, it's sad
Imp-I have loads of USA Handmade experience
I used to own 2x 1979 Bich Deluxe 8 string basses and some imports
I now own a 1985 Bich 8 Supreme,1996 Innovator,December 2003 Eagle Customshop 2004 winter NAMM Display item (HHI) a 1980's N.J. Ironbird and today I might be buying a 1980's N.J. neck thru Wave and i live in Devon
St Genesius-Neal Moser was Not actually employed by B.C.Rich-he was an independant contractor and Bernie Rico had to pay him Royalties for the Bich design
All the Active circuitry design and layout was designed by NEal Moser Before he was a Contractor for B.C.Rich
When B.C.Rich was licenced to Class Axe,Randy Waltuch (Class Axe owner) asked NEal to Design a Guitar Class Axe could use as an Import model-Neal Moser designed the Virgin for him and received Royalties for it from Class Axe
When Bernie Rico took B.C.Rich back over in 1993 Randy told him if he wanted to use the Virgin shape,he would have to PAY Neal Moser Royalties-Bernie Never did
So As far at least as i am concerned B.C.Rich do not own the rights to the Bich,Virgin,Electronics or the Mockingbird name (Neal's idea) and any guitar that was designed from the Bich or Virgin should owe him royalties as well-HHI's Dagger,Zombie B.C.Riches Warlock was designed from the Bich
I have been a User of B.C.Rich since i began playing 20 years ago-HHI's Bully boy tactics have made my mind up-NEVER to buy another HHI instrument ever again,and i may even sell the one i have
It will be Vintage BCR foor me from now on-Or i may even look into buying a MCS made instrument
Originally Posted by St_GenesiusI generally agree, but this is still a shame. What's more, it seems on the surface that no matter what person created the designs, if they did it while working for BC Rich, and HHI now owns BC Rich, HHI *does* own those designs.
I'd like to know what agreement Moser and his lawyers have with HHI. It sounds to me like your right. Didn't Rick derringer design the Stealth model. Did he get royalties? Can he have another company make them for him? I think there is a little more to the story.
I could be wrong. I like BC Rich stuff. The newer Moser stuff is just a little to quot;out therequot; for me.
Originally Posted by Imp
Kustom stuff
nice collection man, but i actually meant 'kustom' the brand
from : localhost/;r=Price Range
That's whack... with Ed Roman now supposedly in charge of B.C. Rich, I'm guessing instrument quality will drop even more than it did. Not to mention the business practices...
HHI allowed a certain dealer tha will go unnamed to CONTINUE FORGING USA RIches, even though they were alreaddy in the process of preparing legal action against him...they even kept him normally as a dealer, I´m not even too sure he´s not STILL an authorized dealer.....
That and this = I´ll stick to the Pre-Class-axe USA Riches, no bad mojo attached Originally Posted by Metalman_666That's whack... with Ed Roman now supposedly in charge of B.C. Rich.....
I SERIOUSLY doubt that HHI would sell the company to him, for reasons mentioned in this thread or possibly even post
There´s something about a 1978 USA Warlock with a maple top and wrong headstock that just makes me roll around holding my sides in laughter thinking about this one
Dammit, BC Rich weren't all that bad. My girlfriend had (still has, but never uses...) a Warlock. I grew quite attached to it.
I'll always love the original BC Riches built from 1974 to 1985. After Neal stopped working with BC Rich Bernie started cutting corners and the whole handmade line really suffered, enter Class Axe, yuch!
Even if you don't like the looks of the new MCS guitars, they are still built better than ANYTHING else out there at any price. The quality can't be matched by anyone, Neal is THE man!
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Corporate scum (BC Rich is DEAD)