Hey, I have a ESP LTD DELUXE M-1000 from : localhost/(Its down a little bit) and I am seriously wanting to put some SD pickups in them. My music style im looking for is Early Megadeth and Iron maiden and most of that heavy metal/thrash thing. I have a JB and a Jazz in my one strat and a DiMarzio Super Distortion and PAF in my other strat. I want to put a Full Shred in the bridge and from some of the reviews ive been reading putting one in the neck isnt that bad either? Now my question is DO YOU GUYS think it will make a good combination with my ESP? I really like how My super D is more trebly and a tid bit brighter than the JB. But I want a little more...quot;punch/chunk?quot;... I guess are the terms. The guitar has a maple body neck-thru, if that helps.
I've made a review of the FullShred bridge in my guitar. It must be one or two pages back. Check it out! AMAZING pickup and sleeper
the full shred is a great pup set. i would definately recommend it for your guitar and thrash/metal music. pups distort well, are extremely articulate and sound wonderful with palm-muting.
For an idea of what the Full Shred in the neck will sound like, think of a hotter Jazz and you've got it nailed. They're great pickups, very articulate. A little bright for my taste, I prefer the low mids of the Distortion. But I think you could definitely get a great metal/thrash tone out of a pair.
Originally Posted by Sir Royal Eddie
I really like how My super D is more trebly and a tid bit brighter than the JB..
I think you got something wired wrong or the pickup is busted because a Super Distortion is NEVER brighter with more treble than a JB. It's a dark chunky pickup.
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 20:53
Full Shred Pickups in My guitar